Australia and New Zealand do not plan to issue national cryptocurrencies
In this material one can learn what the representatives of the financial regulators of Australia and New Zealand think about the concept of national cryptocurrency and even more, read what they think on Bitcoin
26 June 2018 21:00, UTC
Facebook gives green light to cryptocurrency ads again, but ICOs still prohibited
Back to senses: Facebook lifts its recently-imposed cryptocurrency ad ban while still upholding the prohibition of initial coin offerings or ICOs. Learn if anyone was ready for this turn of events in this material
26 June 2018 21:00, UTC
India to introduce new crypto rules in July
Find out more about the upcoming rules of cryptocurrency business in the material, as well as the previous policy statements of Indian financial regulators about Bitcoin and other digital currencies
26 June 2018 21:00, UTC
Global regulation of the cryptosphere: is that possible?
Bitnewstoday asked experts if it’s possible to create a global system of crypto sphere regulation
25 June 2018 21:00, UTC Margareth Nail
Québec government to limit energy supply for miners instead of total ban
In this material, one can familiarize with the process of the dialogue between the miners and the authorities of Québec, a Canadian province. How is jobs creation connected to this? Read below
25 June 2018 21:00, UTC
Lithuanian regulator exec: ICO investors from Russia are ‘not in line with our national interests’
Learn about the statements of Marius Jurgilas who is the member of the board of the Bank of Lithuania and if his concerns about Russian investors are based on anything from the world of classic finance
25 June 2018 21:00, UTC
Japanese Finance Minister expresses views on cryptocurrency trading taxation
This material describes the situation with cryptocurrency trading taxation in Japan right now and what can happen soon thanks to the Finance Minister. The regulatory environment is also outlined
25 June 2018 21:00, UTC
Bank for International Settlements research head: coins may be treated as securities
Learn what Hyun Song Shin, the adviser and research department chief at the Bank for International Settlements, has described in the yesterday speech and what this may potentially mean for the cryptocurrency market
24 June 2018 21:00, UTC
Intelligence analyst George Friedman: eventually, government-backed hackers will make blockchain ‘obsolete’
Learn what George Friedman is known for in the sphere of politics and intelligence and what he says about cryptographic technologies’ finite sustainability to cyberthreats - especially from governments
21 June 2018 21:00, UTC
Regulation days: weekly review
Here you can read about the biggest crypto companies’ failures of the week, regulatory talks in two financial centers and even about the future events of the days yet to come - another weekly review on Bitnewstoday
21 June 2018 21:00, UTC Nick CORY
US Congress members ordered to disclose crypto investments
Are you a US Congressman? Disclose your big crypto incomes to the authorities in 45 days. If you are not, just learn more about the updated regulations for the civil servants in the United States
21 June 2018 21:00, UTC
US Secret Service official calls for ‘anonymity-enhanced’ coins regulation
Learn what the United States Secret Service Investigations Office Deputy Assistant Director said in the recent speech towards the Financial Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Terrorism and Illicit Finance
21 June 2018 21:00, UTC
U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau head: over-regulation means ‘bad consequences’
Look at what the top American official from the consumer protection agency thinks about the regulation of the sphere of digital currency — and who else shared the same sentiment in the past
20 June 2018 21:00, UTC
USA and South Korea discussed crypto exchanges hacks among other threats
This material explains why attacks on crypto bourses have become serious enough to enter the agenda of the high-ranking international relations officials of the first-world countries
20 June 2018 21:00, UTC
Countries where cryptocurrencies are legal
Bitnewstoday asked experts in the crypto sector about countries that are friendly towards the cryptosphere, and about states trying to ban cryptocurrencies in every possible way
19 June 2018 21:00, UTC
Elina Sidorenko: FATF has new cryptocurrency risks list
Learn what the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering has to say about digital currencies while also not forgetting that the organization reps have not confirmed the existence of this list at the press time
19 June 2018 21:00, UTC
Binance to support Malta Stock Exchange startup platform
The cooperation of Malta’s main exchange platform and the crypto brokerage Binance is a part of a larger process which has started after one important decision was made. Learn what was it in this material
19 June 2018 21:00, UTC
Bithumb hacked — approximately $30M stolen and withdrawals now halted
In this urgent material, one can find out the key facts about the hack of yet another digital currency exchange, compare it with other recent similar cases and see basic explanations on what it all means for the market
19 June 2018 21:00, UTC
Bithumb deletes tweet on lost funds return
Learn about a deletion of a tweet in which the South Korean cryptocurrency exchange Bithumb promised to return lost funds, find out what’s the problem with the theory that the hack had influenced the price of Bitcoin
19 June 2018 21:00, UTC
John McAfee submits to SEC complaints
See the details on the collision between investor and businessman John McAfee and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission: who tried to act as a tough guy and who eventually won
18 June 2018 21:00, UTC