Kazakhstan has become the second state to regulate the cryptocurrency market
The participants of the working group created together with the Astana International Finance Centre told about the prospects for development of the cryptocurrency regulation in Kazakhstan
17 July 2017 14:58, UTC
EAEU countries work on introduction of national cryptocurrencies
National or global one – EAEU countries think over creation of national cryptocurrencies
17 July 2017 06:54, UTC
Central Bank of Albania announced risks related to cryptocurrencies warning country citizens
Hazards of cryptocurrencies according to the Albanian Central Bank
17 July 2017 06:51, UTC
Regulation of cryptocurrency as digital assets will help Indian authorities to collect more tax
Indian officials resolved that cryptocurrency ban would worsen the situation with tax collection in the country
14 July 2017 12:02, UTC
Swiss online bank to launch bitcoin trading
Clients of Swiss bank Swissquote will be able to exchange dollars and euros into Bitcoin
14 July 2017 11:52, UTC
Chamber of Digital Commerce calls for GAAP standards for cryptocurrency
An advocacy group representing the digital asset and Blockchain industry said that the lack of accounting standards for cryptocurrency hinders the growth of the US economy.
13 July 2017 09:23, UTC
Swiss government announced the imminent implementation of cryptocurrency regulation
The Swiss Federal Council is speeding up the development of Fintech and the implementation of crypto-currencies across the country through support and regulation.
13 July 2017 09:18, UTC
European Commission suggests that Digital Currency Use by Organized Criminals is Rare
According to the European Commission, crypto currencies are rarely used by criminal organizations due to high technology required.
09 July 2017 21:00, UTC
Japanese bitcoin exchanges launch loss insurance against failed transactions
Two Japanese bitcoin exchanges try to fuel confidence to cryptocurrency transactions by offering insurance of bitcoin transactions.
02 July 2017 21:00, UTC
The IMF made appropriate recommendations for banks on investing in cryptocurrencies
Today banks have to consider cryptocurrencies and investing in cryptocurrencies more seriously than they had it before, suggests International Monetary Fund (IMF).
29 June 2017 10:18, UTC