India’s government has prepared the report on cryptocurrency state regulation
Regulation or taxation – Indian government plans to control cryptocurrencies strictly, while other departments believe the sphere can self-regulate
08 August 2017 21:00, UTC
No more mining at work for South Korean electronics traders
The traders of Soul’s biggest electronics market were caught using their goods for cryptocurrency mining purposes – the Yongsan Market management now prohibits its employees from bitcoin and ether mining
07 August 2017 21:00, UTC
VK social network now allows to advertise cryptocurrency and blockchain services
VK.com, one of the most popular social networks in Russia, has allowed to place the ads connected with blockchain, cryptocurrencies and their different forms. But this will be available only to companies that received state permission to run this business
07 August 2017 21:00, UTC
BitcoinCash users: our network under attack
BitcoinCash had a good start as a newborn cryptocurrency, but is its network advanced enough to avoid any attack methods hackers might have in store?
06 August 2017 21:00, UTC
WannaCry hackers allegedly move their funds to Monero – will that help them?
The WannaCry cryptocurrency ransom suddenly transfers to new addresses. The hackers apparently chose new advanced blockchain to further hide their tracks
06 August 2017 21:00, UTC
Are Bitcoin holders really as anonymous as they think?
Bitcoin.de, a German cryptocurrency exchange, believes it is its duty to help the country’s police to differentiate an arms dealer from a law abiding Bitcoin holder and shares users’ personal data with law enforcement units
03 August 2017 21:00, UTC
India’s Ministry of Finance recommends the government to ban Bitcoin in the country
Bitcoin regulation in India – could there ever appear anyone willing to control the cryptocurrency or is it simpler to follow the recommendation of Finance Ministry and ban it entirely?
02 August 2017 21:00, UTC
The Czech Republic National Bank urges not to be afraid of cryptocurrencies
Bitcoin is not the rival for the current finance system, at least in Czech. The country’s National Bank told why traditional financial institutions shouldn’t be afraid of Bitcoin
02 August 2017 21:00, UTC
Japan exchanges decide to wait and see
What new customer offers the exchanges of Japan have in store following the emergence of a new digital currency, when will Bitcoin operations resume and how to win a thousand yen with BTC
01 August 2017 21:00, UTC
South Korean cryptocurrency legal framework implementation is being stalled
Despite South Korea’s government and financial regulator are trying to regulate cryptocurrency market for almost a year, the provisions of the law on this issue are still being amended
01 August 2017 21:00, UTC
The tale of how B2C2 quarreled with Quoine due to system malfunction
The system malfunction is the reason of legal proceedings between the British market maker and the exchange from Singapore – will the exchange return the seller all Ethereum it bought 125 times higher the market price?
31 July 2017 21:00, UTC
New York Education Department official caught mining at work
Employees found mining during worktime can be penalized with fees and probation period — the City of New York Conflicts of Interest Board decided that nobody has the right to use public resources for self-enrichment
31 July 2017 21:00, UTC
Moscow Exchange Central Depository to create cryptocurrency platform
Russia’s National Depository Center is ready to create the service platform for cryptoassets, but the underdevelopment of legislation in this sphere hampers the planning process
30 July 2017 21:00, UTC
Cryptocurrency exchanges in the Philippines do not rush into getting a license
Despite the directives issued by the main financial regulator of the Philippines, the country’s cryptocurrency exchanges prefer to operate without obtaining the license and submission of periodic reports to the Central Bank
26 July 2017 21:00, UTC
Digital token sales may fall under jurisdiction of the US securities law
The United States Securities and Exchange Commission expressed the opinion that the ICO offers must be subject to the same laws with which securities already comply.
25 July 2017 21:00, UTC
The legal status of cryptocurrencies

Every year digital currencies are increasingly mainstreamed in our lives and already partly replace fiat money. How different countries react to the cryptocurrency phenomenon, read in this material by bitnewstoday.com

24 July 2017 12:04, UTC Massimo Di Giuda
Kosovo plans to introduce its first Bitcoin ATM
Kosovo’s general public enthusiastically supports the idea of installing the Bitcoin ATM in the capital city, the Central Bank warns of lack of legislative regulation of digital currencies
23 July 2017 21:00, UTC
Russia may permit companies to attract cryptocurrency investments
There is no cryptocurrency legislation in Russia yet but corresponding amendments to the law are already under development allowing companies to organize ICO
18 July 2017 21:00, UTC
How legal are cryptocurrencies around the world: Bolivia, China and Russia

The article takes a look at regulators’ attitude towards cryptocurrency transactions in certain countries

18 July 2017 07:24, UTC Paul GRAPES
Kyrgyzstan government to support datacenter creation for cryptocurrency transactions processing
Kyrgyzstan state administration is planning to build a datacenter worth $40mln together with a commercial company
17 July 2017 21:00, UTC