Crypto News –
a lighthouse in the ocean of the crypto world
"Earth is the cradle of humanity,but one can't remain in the cradle forever"
"Earth is the cradle of humanity,
but one can't remain in the cradleforever"
but one can't remain in the cradle

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
rocket scientist, astronautics pioneer
The world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain is at the very start of its journey – in the cradle. We will fly to the moon in the end, but this takes time and patience.
We ourselves see Crypto News as one of the engines of this large spaceship.
Our task is to support a global community of crypto enthusiasts with reliable information: news, articles, blogs, reviews.
Information is great fuel for a to-the-moon!
Crypto News entered the market at the peak of the first bull run, in mid-2017. Honestly, at that time we didn't have a specific plan – just a desire to join the crypto community and help develop the market.
In half a year, we became one of the most downloaded apps and became first in the top of markets for the "Crypto News" inquiry.
It may sound obvious, but at that time there were dozens of apps called “Crypto News”.
It may sound obvious, but at that time there were dozens of apps called “Crypto News”.
After 6 years we are still in the lead!
Here are some important milestones in these 6 years:
We are trying to help open new doors to the world of crypto, and to make crypto industry a part of the ordinary world, familiar to everyone.
2.67 M+
App downloads
22 K
130 K
7.3 K / 150 K
Website DAU/MAU
Our plans are much clearer today
than they were 6 years ago.
Crypto News has become a large international crypto community. The next step is to give this community more opportunities for self expression.
New solutions from Crypto News will bring the crypto world closer to everyone, making it easier to enter the industry.