Guest posts
Can GDPR Disrupt Blockchain Technology?
Blockchain and InsurTechs are going to be greatly impacted by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). What influence will the new laws have on the use of blockchain?
18 January 2019 11:30, UTC Paul Mizel
Guest posts
Merry Christmas, Satoshi!
2018 is drawing to a close. It’s time to take a look back, and also express some hopes for 2019. Drs. Hans Koning makes a brief overview and thanks the mysterious Bitcoin leader
21 December 2018 13:30, UTC Hans Koning
Guest posts
Cryptoeconomics: Three Real World Examples
As blockchain-based ecosystems continue to propagate a new, hybrid discipline is beginning to take shape. This discipline is being referred to as tokenomics/tokenization
14 December 2018 17:17, UTC Charles Voltron
Guest posts
A Common Mistake: 3 Typical Misconceptions About Smart Contracts
Besides crypto, one of the most promising things on blockchain is the use of smart contracts. The concept was first described by Nick Szabo in 1994 in his paper “Smart Contracts”. He describes smart contracts as ‘a computerized transaction protocol that executes the terms of a contract’.
13 December 2018 16:14, UTC Olivier Rikken
Guest posts
The Case Of Bitcoin Pizzas: DLT For Enterprise Solutions Outside of Theoretical Field
It’s always a challenge to reach agreement among multiple members in a large system. But while the technology is relatively easy, changes are hard.
12 December 2018 09:27, UTC Jennifer Hongbo Jiang
Guest posts
How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The A.I.
Artificial Intelligence is a phenomenon almost everyone is aware of, but did someone actually managed to implement into their workflow? Mark Lynd shares his experience.
11 December 2018 16:08, UTC Mark Lynd
Guest posts
Blockchain And Crisis Of Governance: Hackers As An Emergency Service Of The System
New governance structures – crisis management in a decentralized world without trusted third parties. Can an anonymous emergency button be created?
10 December 2018 19:15, UTC Olivier Rikken, Esther Vroegh
Guest posts
Fintech’R’Us: Сan Banks Keep Up With $41.7 Bln Industry?
For banks, the challenge is keeping up with this pace of technological change. The idea of going to a physical bank is not attractive to the millions of young banking customers.
06 December 2018 20:08, UTC Tom Holgersson
Guest posts
5 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Use-Cases for Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity risks and trends force organizations to adopt precautionary changes and solutions to protect themselves, further forcing them to adapt, evolve or fall behind.
05 December 2018 15:33, UTC Mark Lynd
Guest posts
Trillion Dollar Security Token Economy Awaits Its Constantine Moment
Charles Voltron continues the story with the historical analogy, considering the potential impact blockchain can have, and what will the aftermath be.
04 December 2018 13:02, UTC Charles Voltron
Guest posts
A Database Of Virtue Or How Blockchain Is Close To Christianity
Blockchain still is one one of the most discussed technologies of the decade. Charles Voltron puts forth some ideas on where we are now, and how this new era might manifest.
04 December 2018 12:53, UTC Charles Voltron
Guest posts
Advices to Advisors: How to become a proper ICO Marketing Consultant
Sometimes the ICO organizers make mistakes in estimating the role of advisors in their projects. Here are some hints of what to do and what to avoid when choosing the path of an advisor
03 December 2018 16:09, UTC Hugo Jacques
Guest posts
How Should ICOs & Investors Handle a Bear Market

Bitcoin price crash caused impromptu panic in the ranks of crypto investors and entrepreneurs. There are several ideas how to behave during such circumstances and benefit from it.

22 November 2018 14:47, UTC Richard Shibi
Guest posts
The Rise of Merger & Acquisition Due To The Fall Of Crypto Prices
Сryptocurrency prices suffered a downfall during 2018. The situation looks gloomy for some projects but it is a great opportunity for M&A activities to make market healthier.
29 October 2018 15:23, UTC Richard Shibi
Guest posts
Perspective Prospectus: UAE Finds Solution For ICO Liability
The Emirates’ stance on crypto assets has changed recently, recognizing tokens as securities. The regulation is being worked on, but what are the reasons behind such a move?
25 October 2018 14:19, UTC Hans Koning, David Meszaros
Guest posts
How To Make Your ICO Website Attractive For Investors
Richard Shibi, a blockchain consultant, shares his knowledge and experience concerning the best way to present an ICO project with such instrument as a website
05 September 2018 17:01, UTC Richard Shibi, a Blockchain Consultant
Guest posts
What Security Questions Should You Ask of Your Crypto Exchange?
Five basic questions the crypto exchanges must answer. If they don’t — avoid trusting your funds to these firms.
29 August 2018 17:48, UTC Vance Carver
Guest posts
ICO Trends. "To do" list for the 2nd half of 2018

During the first two articles, Richard Shibi has covered the hype of ICOs during 2017-2018, frauds and scams, hacks and security breaches, which all resulted in regulatory attention. The third one leads us to an outlook and advises of what to do in the 2nd half of 2018

19 July 2018 14:08, UTC Richard Shibi, a Blockchain Consultant
Guest posts
ICO Trends. The past, the present, the future. Lessons learned in the first half of 2018

In this article, Richard Shibi goes on with analyzing the situation in the field of ICOs, this time deeper into the events of the first half of 2018. The regulatory movements, successes and failures, fundamental questions

17 July 2018 08:07, UTC Richard Shibi, a Blockchain Consultant
Guest posts
ICO Trends. The past, the present, the future. The aftermath of 2017
The year 2017 has proven to be a significant milestone for the ICO industry. The first half of 2018 is not less impressive. Richard Shibi, a Blockchain Consultant, takes on the theme to analyze the past periods and draws conclusions for the second half of 2018
16 July 2018 09:18, UTC Richard Shibi, a Blockchain Consultant