Guest posts
Made in China: 11 interesting facts about TRON “gaming” coin

Lots of crypto coins with strong growth perspectives have significant community support. For instance, it’s a Chinese blockchain platform TRON, a kind of a social network where users can place any entertaining content, including games, for free and get a reward. Further, you can find some essential facts about TRON

04 June 2018 21:00, UTC Tachat Igityan, the co-founder of DeStream – the decentralized financial ecosystem for streamers
Guest posts
Successful experience: useful tips for ICO marketers
Many companies have already completed ICOs. However, there are very few publicly available structured reports with facts and numbers that can make the life of new projects easier. Egor Egerev, CEO of Crypto.tickets, shared his experience in launching the ICO, telling Bitnewstoday readers about the most common mistakes
22 May 2018 21:00, UTC Egor Egerev, CEO of Crypto.tickets
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The remaining barriers the cryptocurrency industry must overcome to successfully disrupt the $500 billion remittances market
From this article of Bitnewstoday, you will learn about the prospects for the development of crypto payment services and crypto exchanges
17 May 2018 21:00, UTC Eiland Glover, CEO of Kowala
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How to choose an application for trading

Bitnewstoday made a review of best bitcoin trading apps. From this article, you will learn how to choose bitcoin trading app and what should be taken into account

02 May 2018 21:00, UTC Polly SOLDI
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Token Rocati: real housing for virtual money
Italian banking sector has been pretty shaken: a young Italian Pinzi came up with the idea how to eliminate it from real estate transactions. Read about in the article of Bitnewstoday
08 April 2018 21:00, UTC Vsevolod Gnetii
Guest posts
In a Monero way: 10 revealing facts about the most anonymous cryptocurrency

Read about noteworthiness of Monero cryptocurrency and its prospects in the article of Bitnewstoday

04 April 2018 21:00, UTC Philipe Comini, Gimmer.net automated crypto-trading platform CEO and co-founder
Guest posts
10 Things You Should Know About SiaCoin
There are different kinds of cryptocurrency. Some of them are mayflies while the others are trustful and attractive for investors. Today we will tell you all the most interesting about siacoin in 2018. Siacoin is traded on exchanges like Yobit and discussed on bitcointalk.org, Twitter and other social networks. In this article you will also learn about siacoin calculator hdd and other useful information
18 March 2018 21:00, UTC Alexander Barkovskii, the founder of Nanopool
Guest posts
The case of Litecoin: five catalysts for growth
Bitnewstoday in conjunction with experts analyzes the secrets of the success of one of the largest altcoins — Litecoin
14 March 2018 21:00, UTC Adrian Smith
Guest posts
A lawyer's opinion on the viability of smart contracts
Experts in blockchain technologies believe that in the near future the implementation of new type of contracts – smart-contracts will change the business relations field. Alexey YUROV, a coordinator of Rospatent-VEB-VOIR blockchain team, explains the feasibility of the implementation of smart-contracts  from a legal perspective
27 February 2018 21:00, UTC Alexey YUROV, coordinator of Rospatent-VEB-VOIR blockchain team
Guest posts
Mythical unicorn and trash coins

Successful investment in ICO or in cryptocurrencies resembles meeting of a unicorn – there is a chance to meet it but it is pretty slim. Which projects may skyrocket and which projects may fade into oblivion?

01 February 2018 21:00, UTC Financial Analyst FxPro Alexandr KUPZIKEVITCH
Guest posts
How Blockchain can save social networks from spam

Fake metrics has long become a problem in social media. Clem Chambers, CEO of ADVFN explains how blockchain can help truly valuable content get what it deserves

25 January 2018 21:00, UTC Investment expert Clem Chambers
Guest posts
What effect will Bitcoin have on the office rental industry?
Head of Public Relations & Communications at Free Office Finder, Henry writes about office space, coworking and how technology is changing our working lives. See the review of how one can use Bitcoin to buy real estate and rent offices
23 January 2018 21:00, UTC Henry Wisbey-Broom, Public Relations & Communications Manager, Freeofficefinder
Guest posts
Yes, Bitcoin values can be accurately determined
The expectations of bitcoin futures being launched on the world's largest futures exchanges led to a sharp increase in the value of the first cryptocurrency. After this event, the price of BTC went through a deep correction. This volatility is what futures are supposed to take away from the cryptocurrency market. What can we expect on the long-term prospect - read in the article
24 December 2017 21:00, UTC Joe DiPasquale, founder of BitBull Capital, the world's first cryptocurrency fund of funds
Guest posts
If you missed a train on Bitcoin: why you should look at Ethereum
Alex Lutskevych, CEO of CEX.IO tries to figure out is it still reasonable to buy bitcoin or investors should expect a huge growth from ethereum
30 November 2017 21:00, UTC Alex Lutskevych, CEO of CEX.IO
Guest posts
The essence of cryptocurrency. What legislative changes are required for regulation of cryptocurrency?
Is it possible to regulate the cryptocurrency market? How to tax it and protect its participants, read in the article of the expert
29 October 2017 21:00, UTC Denis POLYAKOV, lawyer at GMT Legal
Guest posts
What are tokens and what types there are?

What is ICO token, what types of ICO tokens there are, how to pay with ICO token and whether it is a risky product, read in the article of Bitnewstoday.com

26 October 2017 21:00, UTC Anti Danilevski, CEO KICKICO
Guest posts
ICO or venture financing: what is better for start-ups?
Over the past year ICO has outrun classic venture-backed financing by the amount of funds raised. However, large profits come along with higher risks. Besides, ICO doesn't apply to each start-up. Dmitry Machikhin, senior partner of GMT Legal tells how to choose the proper type of financing.
09 October 2017 21:00, UTC Dmitry MACHIKHIN, partner of GMT Legal, IMMO evangelist
Guest posts
Lawyer's view: cryptocurrency and tokens – means of payment, assets, the right of anything?

The expert explains the difference between cryptocurrency and tokens, whether it is possible to pay with them, how to regulate them and how legal they are in different countries

07 September 2017 21:00, UTC Dmitry MACHIKHIN, partner of GMT Legal, IMMO evangelist
Guest posts 226
How to spend cryptocurrencies in this fiat world

More and more places are beginning to emerge where you can spend your cryptocurrency or turn it into fiat money. It also the case in online shopping with a growing number of stores that accept bitcoin as a payment. Bitnewstoday.com figured out how and what can you buy with your cryptomoney

05 September 2017 21:00, UTC Olga RUSAKOVA
Guest posts
What is painful in ICO collapse, is it inevitable and why this catharsis is needed?
Due to its simplicity and high speed of fundraising ICO has grown in popularity. However the opacity of financing process unleashes various fraud schemes and leads to loss of huge amounts of money. Below you'll find the main problems preventing ICO from proceeding to a new stage of evolution
01 August 2017 21:00, UTC Dmitry MACHIKHIN, partner of GMT Legal, IMMO evangelist