Guest posts
Best Amazon FBA Training Class for Beginners When Starting a Business
The earning potential of Amazon FBA is very high, but it can be tricky to learn everything on your own. A training class can help you to get started on your road to success
21 May 2019 08:00, UTC
Guest posts
Blockchain Technology Could Be Horse Racing’s Future
The ledger can tell if a horse has been fed steroids, the performance of every horse will be fed into the blockchain and every member of the network will have access to it
15 May 2019 14:33, UTC Thyagarajan Gopalakrishnan
Guest posts
A Quick Guide For Bitcoin ATMs: How, Where, What’s Next
Bitcoin ATMs are some of the easiest ways to buy bitcoin. Their numbers and locations are growing as BTC starts to get accepted more around the world. Learn more about them
14 May 2019 11:09, UTC Iggi Vargas
Guest posts
Will We See The Reveal of Bitcoin's Biggest Mystery?
A website called GotSatoshi appeared recently. There is the question “Where in the world is Satoshi?” and the countdown till the May 14th when his identity should be revealed
13 May 2019 11:10, UTC Konstantin Rabin
Guest posts
Is Delisting BSV Personal Or Good Business Ethics?
There is an interesting question to be asked, and Hans Koning, as the “blockchain governance guy”, has to ask it: is this delisting a legitimate business decision?
29 April 2019 08:27, UTC Hans Koning
Guest posts
Five Incredible Blockchain Use Cases
Innovators continue developing blockchain use cases that leave people saying “how did they come up with that?” and “I wish I had that idea.” Here are several such blockchain uses
25 April 2019 11:26, UTC R.R. Hauxley
Guest posts
Cryptocurrency and Buyers Tips For Investing In It

Many self-made millionaires today have given credit to the cryptocurrency for their success. If you want to jump into this world, here are tips to get you on the right foot

11 April 2019 08:17, UTC
Guest posts
Online Gambling Market To Top $100 Bln in Coming Years

The online gambling market continues to go from strength to strength, with year-on-year growth adding billions to an already valuable industry. What is the reason behind this?

09 April 2019 11:06, UTC Mathew Warburton
Guest posts
Four Industries That Blockchain Is To Disrupt In The First Place

Blockchain technology has the potential to be very disruptive. Let’s take a closer look at some of the industries that blockchain tech is or could impact

19 March 2019 14:41, UTC Mathew Warburton
Guest posts
Common Mistakes Of Retail Crypto Investors And How To Avoid Them
The events of the past years in the crypto industry depicted the weaknesses of the retail investors, whose skills proved to fail. Learn the mistakes and don’t repeat them!
14 March 2019 12:04, UTC Richard Shibi
Guest posts
Data Science Uncovers the Spending Habits of Millennials in Eastern Europe
Eastern Europe has about 74 mln millennials. According to conservative estimates, they will spend over $27 bln in 2019. Nik Kumar presents the research of their spending habits
06 March 2019 13:36, UTC Nik Kumar, Yale MBA
Guest posts
Using Blockchain To Clean Up A Murky Data Economy
Businesses, governments and other organisations have become evermore data driven. While oil fuelled the economic boom of the last century, so data will power this century
26 February 2019 09:48, UTC Mike Davie
Guest posts
5 promising cryptocurrencies in 2019
Of course, Bitcoin (BTC) is the first name that comes to mind when we talk about cryptocurrency, since it’s the most mainstream and recognisable. However, the introduction of bitcoin eventually led to the expansion of the market, with the introduction of other cryptocurrencies inspired by it trying to compete.
20 February 2019 14:29, UTC Renato Vieira
Guest posts
Decentralization Theory VS Decentralization Reality
Are cryptocurrencies truly decentralized as they are presented to the world? Hugo Jacques unveils some of the facts which seem to be obvious, but are discussed not so openly
19 February 2019 11:54, UTC Hugo Jacques
Guest posts
3 Reasons To Delay Your Startup And How To Overcome The Slump
Carmen Campo devoted a lot of time to startups, and knows what crops up as the most common reasons for tarrying. She shares her vision on how to benefit from it
12 February 2019 13:00, UTC Carmen Campo
Guest posts
Why QuadrigaCX’s Cold Wallet Reserves Haven’t Been Identified Yet
QuadrigaCX went offline with $190M gone after the purported founder’s death; people have declared it to be an exit scam or fraud. Paul Sibenik investigates the case
11 February 2019 14:30, UTC Paul Sibenik
Guest posts
Decentralization As The Next Step For Business Evolution
The new world of economy is made possible by the blockchain. There are several advantages of DAO you should consider to evolve your business
05 February 2019 13:59, UTC Paul Mizel
Guest posts
What To Consider To Avoid Problems With ICO Launching in 2019
In order to achieve a result, it is essential to understand what requirements are made today for crypto projects by regulators, and what public policy should be conducted
04 February 2019 14:29, UTC Alena Narinyani
Guest posts
Blockchain Shrugged: No Need To Look For A Killer App

Some question if blockchain is pre-mature or over-hyped, others say it’s a hammer looking for nails. Jennifer Jiang expresses her stance on situation about blockchain

24 January 2019 13:20, UTC Jennifer Hongbo Jiang
Guest posts
ICO Transformation: The Rise And Fall Of Digital Tokens’ Market
Two years ago the world faced the ICO phenomenon — a fundraising method through the emission and sale of digital tokens. Read the retrospective by Dmitry Machikhin
21 January 2019 14:10, UTC Dmitry MACHIKHIN, partner of GMT Legal, IMMO evangelist