Trending Trinity Weekly (December, 3-7)
G20 summit, the newest South Korean legislative initiatives and the coming of emperor Сrypto-Constantine. Check all of this in our weekly news compilation.
08 December 2018 11:24, UTC
Image of The Day, 7 of December: The Next Web, Forbes, Asia Times and Others
Today’s crypto news: Shell announced the world's first oil product derivatives trade using blockchain technology, Big Brother is watching Europeans, and people are burying Bitcoin again
07 December 2018 20:55, UTC Daniil Danchenko
Come Again And Play the Bitcoin Game! TOON #20
Crypto exchanges are crucial part of today’s market. But this does not excuse them from sins. Today’s toon is all about that fundamental part of today’s ecosystem and their wicked and amusing shenanigans on the market
07 December 2018 19:31, UTC
Ethereum OGs Are Out: Why Blockchain Devs Tighten Their Belts
One of the leading developers of Ethereum Classic announced about the shutdown of its activities. What are the reasons for closing down, how it will affect the ETC future and whether the market should get concerned
07 December 2018 18:43, UTC Anastasia Ermolaeva
Storm Over Bitcoin: Quadrupling Lightning Network May Open Pandora's Box
Lightning Network is in the spotlights of crypto community every week for the last couple of months. It is breaking new milestones, and we couldn’t have avoided the phenomenon.
07 December 2018 17:05, UTC Daniil Danchenko, Anna Zhygalina, Denis Goncharenko
The Turkish Delight: Academic View On The Issue Of National Crypto Mania
Turkish “crypto expansion” was a big surprise for many people. In a matter of days, Turks became one of the “Alpha wolves” in a crypto financial food chain.
07 December 2018 11:59, UTC Daniil Danchenko
Image of The Day, 6 of December: Forbes, Bloomberg, Blokt and Others
​Today’s crypto news: Swiss want to have their own blockchain now, Japan uses blockchain to protect tea, and Bitcoin continues to crash, but that's hardly news
06 December 2018 20:37, UTC Daniil Danchenko
Guest posts
Fintech’R’Us: Сan Banks Keep Up With $41.7 Bln Industry?
For banks, the challenge is keeping up with this pace of technological change. The idea of going to a physical bank is not attractive to the millions of young banking customers.
06 December 2018 20:08, UTC Tom Holgersson
Switzerland: Crypto-Funds Will Be Able To Invest Up To $100M In Residential Property
The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) informed the public about the new rules that allow digital companies to open $100 million deposits. Where this money can go
06 December 2018 14:26, UTC Oleg Koldayev
Hacking Human 101: Pros And Cons of Transhumanism
Transhumanism is about creating the best experiences for humanity by merging with technology more closely. People often the way the human race can become better by integrating with technologies. However, this is a significantly controversial topic with many barriers that are yet to be fully explored.
06 December 2018 12:10, UTC Amardeep Singh
Venezuela: Russian Trace Of Nicolas Maduro’s Crypto Economics
Nicolas Maduro believes that he can be better value generator than global market. What plan will bury Venezuela under el Petro avalanche?
06 December 2018 07:58, UTC Oleg Koldayev
Image of The Day, 5 of December: The Daily Hodl, Forbes, Market Watch and Others
Today’s crypto news: Ethereum is under heavy fire, Binance gives a sneak peek of it’s exchange, and US congressman introducing historic legislation to make crypto the real deal
05 December 2018 20:38, UTC Daniil Danchenko
Guest posts
5 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Use-Cases for Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity risks and trends force organizations to adopt precautionary changes and solutions to protect themselves, further forcing them to adapt, evolve or fall behind.
05 December 2018 15:33, UTC Mark Lynd
How Self-driving Vehicles To Save Annually $488 Bln in US
How the FOMO effect will give the early disruptors a good opportunity to push the giants like Mercedes, BMW and Ford, out of the market. And why GM is shutting down its existing production plants in the North America and invest $1.1 billion in robo-taxi
05 December 2018 11:59, UTC Ritukar Vijay, Industry expert on autonomous vehicles
Will AI Disrupt The Duties Of Your Doctor And Why It Might Create A Better Healthcare Industry
The medical and healthcare industries are subject to rapid change in AI and machine learning technologies. Will they somehow affect the duties of your doctor and in what way?
05 December 2018 08:34, UTC Amardeep Singh
Image of The Day, 4 of December: Forbes, Bloomberg, Market Watch and Others
Today’s crypto news: Bitcoin trader barely escapes alive after horrible ordeal, Roger Ver is optimistic as ever, and Chinese web giants pay premium for a promise of faster Bitcoin
04 December 2018 20:13, UTC Daniil Danchenko
G20: Generals Are Preparing For The War That Has Passed
The politicians of G20 have officially admitted the fact of digital currencies existence. How it will affect the global market and why Spain will choose the billion dollar way
04 December 2018 16:07, UTC Oleg Koldayev
South Korea: Promoting A New Bill To Pass The FATF exam
South Korea is going to encourage digital asset trading. What provisions does the new Bill contain and why is the state interested in its acceptance
04 December 2018 14:03, UTC Anastasia Ermolaeva
Guest posts
Trillion Dollar Security Token Economy Awaits Its Constantine Moment
Charles Voltron continues the story with the historical analogy, considering the potential impact blockchain can have, and what will the aftermath be.
04 December 2018 13:02, UTC Charles Voltron
Guest posts
A Database Of Virtue Or How Blockchain Is Close To Christianity
Blockchain still is one one of the most discussed technologies of the decade. Charles Voltron puts forth some ideas on where we are now, and how this new era might manifest.
04 December 2018 12:53, UTC Charles Voltron