Telegram Excludes US Investors from TON Blockchain Project
Telegram will pay American investors 72% of their costs, as they are forced to leave the TON blockchain project
07 May 2020 13:39, UTC
Anna Martynova
Singapore Makes More Steps to Become a Crypto Haven and Blockchain Hub
Singapore, a financial center of the world is recently known as one of the ‘Crypto Havens’ because of its balanced regulatory and legal regimes as defined by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MSA)
07 May 2020 12:22, UTC
Jeff Parker
Russia Leads in P2P Bitcoin Transactions
Russia is the world leader in the volume of bitcoin transactions on the LocalBitcoins platform
06 May 2020 14:30, UTC
Anna Martynova
Dutch Central Bank Announces Tough Measures Against Unregistered Crypto Companies
The Netherlands has amended the law on money laundering. Dutch crypto companies are forced to register or cease operations
06 May 2020 13:54, UTC
Anna Martynova
Iran Builds Largest Mining Farm
Despite many sanctions by the US government, Iran will build the largest mining farm
06 May 2020 13:20, UTC
Anna Martynova
How to Become a Successful Cryptocurrency Trader
Do you want to become a successful crypto trader? To find out how you can mitigate your losses and maximize profits when it comes to this burgeoning field, be sure to read on
06 May 2020 10:02, UTC
Bitcoin and Sports; How They’re Coming Together
While many sports fans may think it’s a football strategy, the term “blockchain” is becoming more and more familiar. The golf world has also been seeing an increase in its use
06 May 2020 08:56, UTC
Jordan Fuller
Terra Crypto 2020 Online Conference
04 May 2020 11:49, UTC
Is Stellar Lumens Awaken?
At the moment, the price of Lumens is almost 7 cents with an upward trend — the cryptocurrency was able to recover from the March fall. Still, forecasts of experts have become much more cautious
30 April 2020 14:15, UTC
Bogdan Vinogradov
KFC Introduces Blockchain in Advertising Communications
KFC in the Middle East plans to improve advertising efficiency and transparency by using the blockchain technology
30 April 2020 12:46, UTC
Anna Martynova
Record Trading Volume on Binance: Bitcoin Pumps to $9000
Bitcoin tested the $ 9000 mark and corrected. Amidst that, Binance crypto exchange set a new record for trading volume
30 April 2020 11:11, UTC
Anna Martynova
Bitcoin Is Used in El Salvador as Means of Payment
Bitcoin has once again proved its advantage. In a coastal village in El Salvador, citizens use bitcoin to pay for essentials
29 April 2020 14:24, UTC
Anna Martynova
5 Tips for IT Startups to Survive the COVID-19 Crisis
While the financial effects of the crisis will be fully understood after the end of the pandemic, IT companies are still in a position to ensure their survival
29 April 2020 12:29, UTC
Helene Cue
Swiss Crypto Valley Appeals to Government for Financial Support
The Swiss Crypto Valley Association asks the government for 100 mln Swiss francs to support the financial needs of the crypto sector
29 April 2020 12:05, UTC
Anna Martynova
Samsung Galaxy Store Added Special Section for TRON DApps
A special section for TRON applications is added in the Samsung Galaxy Store. By the total number of applications on the market, TRON overtook EOS
28 April 2020 13:30, UTC
Anna Martynova
Grayscale Invests Customer Funds in ETH
Grayscale acquired nearly half of the ETH coins mined this year. At the moment, the investment product Ethereum Trust takes the second place, behind the Bitcoin Trust
28 April 2020 12:51, UTC
Anna Martynova
IOTA Trading Platform Wins Fifth Week of COVID-19 Hackathon
The Open Marketplace, an IOTA-based trading platform, won the fifth week of the COVID-19 hackathon. The project is funded by open grants and donations
27 April 2020 14:31, UTC
Anna Martynova
Dole Introduces Blockchain On a Global Level
Dole Food Company, Inc. introduces blockchain in the supply chain of vegetables and fruits, in order to regulate and accelerate the process of checking the safety of products
27 April 2020 13:26, UTC
Anna Martynova
How to Monetize Mobile Apps in 2020
You must be wondering how free apps make money? Well, this article is a must-read for those who are planning to develop an app and want to generate revenue with the free app
27 April 2020 09:09, UTC
Jigar Shah
IEO Isn’t Dead: CTSI Token Soared By 550%
IEO Cartesi (CTSI) brought serious profit to investors, up to 550%. However, where the IEO market will go in the future is still unknown
24 April 2020 14:33, UTC
Anna Martynova