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GoLance Launches Ripple XRP Cross-Border Payment Platform

31 January 2020 13:38, UTC
Anna Martynova

GoLance online freelance marketplace has announced that it has officially launched the cross-border payment platform based on Ripple XRP and serves more than 500,000 customers.

GoLance CEO Michael BROOKS believes that the RippleNet ODL solution allows for high-performance and cost-effective payments that delight customers and contribute to the company’s development. Michael Brooks knows from his experience how important it is for freelancers the cost of cross-border transfers and their speed.

In summer 2019, GoLance became a member of RippleNet. Initially, it was unclear whether the company would use ODL. According to Michael Brooks, the cross-border payment product reduces costs for customers who previously relied on electronic payment.

The goLance partnership with Ripple allows the company to build new relationships with banks and create new payment gate-ways within two weeks. Previously, this process took at least six months. GoLance will create new payment gateways in places that were still considered to be difficult for access.

Image courtesy of Bitcoin Exchange Guide