What Could Happen to Smaller Crypto Exchanges in the Future?
Looking at how most traders tend to go for short term gains, it’s only natural to see the trading volumes be concentrated on large exchanges offering “exotic” crypto pairs
20 September 2019 11:12, UTC Giorgi Mikhelidze
Bitcoin ETF: Will SEC Concede By The End of 2019?
The crypto community is looking forward to the U.S. regulator giving green light to the Bitcoin ETF launch. Learn how the adoption of a new tool will affect Bitcoin in general
10 September 2019 11:28, UTC Massimo Di Giuda
One More Time About Libra: Future Money or Another Unsuccessful Project?
Libra is the most popular crypto project in recent months. Bitnewstoday has collected some information about it and spoke to several experts asking if they believe in its success
13 August 2019 13:45, UTC Massimo Di Giuda
What Will Happen to Cryptocurrencies After the G20 Summit
A month ago, the G20 met in Osaka to discuss a number of issues, including cryptocurrency regulation. Bitnewstoday uncovers what has changed for the crypto community since the summit
09 August 2019 09:31, UTC Massimo Di Giuda
What Does The IMF’s Report On Digital Money Really Mean?
The great authorities of the world are getting more serious about the potential of the digital economy year by year, month by month. The criticism is here but is getting weaker
24 July 2019 14:44, UTC Denis Goncharenko
Eastern European blockchain projects you should monitor in 2019-2020
The region is one of the main centers of global IT industry, thanks to a high-quality workforce and technical education, as well as scientific school and engineering traditions
08 July 2019 14:31, UTC Dima Kovalchuk
TOP-5 Forecasts on Libra Impact on Decentralised Finance (DeFi) Industry
At least until today, the Facebook announcement to launch their own cryptocurrency is the most discussed event in the crypto community in 2019. How will it impact the industry?
02 July 2019 12:40, UTC Sandris Murins
Bitcoin Tested $13,000. Retrospective And Forecasts
According to CoinMarketCap, in the week from June 21 to June 27, the growth of BTC capitalization was more than 37%, and its share of the total cryptocurrency market reached 62%
27 June 2019 08:21, UTC Denis Goncharenko
Web 3.0: A Long Way to Go

This article describes the platforms that have become the basis of existing and developing services of the decentralized Internet

26 June 2019 14:18, UTC Aleksandre B
Time To Future-Proof Yourself with Automation, AI and Machine Learning
From a business perspective, integrating these technologies is no more a passing fad; it has become a norm. Let us have a look at what these tech jargons actually mean
11 June 2019 07:06, UTC Rooney Reeves
Regtech And Suptech: Laws Are New Gold
The application of IT in finance became possible due to fintech. Regtech and suptech are even more specialized IT areas in the area of monitoring of compliance with laws and regulations
17 May 2019 06:45, UTC Aleksandre B
Cisco: 10% of Global GDP Will Be Stored In Blockchains By 2027
The International technology conglomerate has published a report on the development of the blockchain technology and on how it is transforming the business, and the future of the industry
10 May 2019 16:31, UTC Denis Goncharenko
Does Great Britain Risk Becoming Completely Cashless?
In London, there is a dominance of high-tech banks that crowd traditional financial institutions out. The UK became the European avant-garde in the field of electronic payments
25 April 2019 14:37, UTC Vsevolod Gnetii
Study: The Opportunities For InsurTech In The Next Five Years
In 2018, InsurTech was one of the most rapidly developing segments of the digital economy. The new large-scale report predicts the future of the industry
29 March 2019 11:55, UTC Denis Goncharenko
The Era After ICOs: How Does The Future Of STOs Look Like
Few remnant ICOs struggling to raise funds nowadays, and it is quite clear that the future lies within the Security Token Offerings (STO), according to Richard Shibi
26 February 2019 14:20, UTC Richard Shibi
Flippening 2.0: Private funding to take over ICO sales?
Flippening 2.0 is likely a market trend that could witness ICOs becoming less accessible to the public and more exclusive towards high-net-worth individuals and institutions
20 February 2019 08:30, UTC Gregory S. Mathew
Can Gaming Become A Stable Bitcoin Spending Market?
There’s a reasonable chance that bitcoin needs to prove some real-world utility in order to become investable. The search for that real world utility is ongoing
28 January 2019 13:16, UTC
Stablecoins Are Named Among The Most Promising Trends Of 2019. Is That True?
The stability in times of high volatility is called the main advantage which stablecoins obtain. But what are the negative sides of these projects?
23 January 2019 09:45, UTC Denis Goncharenko
Jurisdictions That Attracted Investors In 2018: Will They Retain Leadership?

The statesmen seemed to wake up after long oblivion and entered the industry regulation race. We are summing up the achievements of the previous period

14 January 2019 13:46, UTC Denis Goncharenko
Opinion: The Reasons Behind The Fall Of Bitcoin And The Factors For Growth
The decline in bitcoin price affected mostly the rookies of the crypto market. 2019 will present fewer romantics but more serious players
03 January 2019 21:00, UTC Alena Narinyani