What cryptocurrencies are the most popular today and what will be the most promising in the future?
Will blockchain and cryptocurrency become a threat to the traditional financial market or new technologies are the future?
19 October 2017 21:00, UTC Alexander KUPTSIKEVICH, Financial Analyst of FxPro
Is there a limit to the growth of bitcoin prices and how much can the value of one coin grow after reaching the $ 5,000 milestone?

The sharp drop in bitcoin prices in early September and the recent all time high of $5,000 (however, we can now talk about a new high of $5,500) have deprived cryptocurrency market participants of sleep. Experts in the sphere of cryptocurrency told Bitnewstoday about their views on further developments

15 October 2017 21:00, UTC
Role of the state in blockchain: to regulate or be a part of the process?
Blockchain is steadily increasing its influence in the financial world. Its implementation into the other spheres is just a matter of time, believes Alexei Solovyev, CEO at QIWI Blockchain Technologies
06 September 2017 21:00, UTC Alexei SOLOVYEV, CEO at QIWI Blockchain Technologies
Strike while there's more gold than iron! Why cryptocurrency has become so popular this year?
What will be the price of cryptocurrencies, why there is such a great interest in blockchain and ICO? How legal is cryptocurrency trading? Dmitry Machikhin shares his views in an interview with Coinews.io
23 August 2017 21:00, UTC Dmitry MACHIKHIN, partner of GMT Legal, IMMO evangelist
Which start-ups should think of ICO?
From the investor’s standpoint, the best projects shall satisfy classical venture funding criteria: a launched product, good traction, a top-notch team, ideally, the first revenue. Elena Masolova - about the pitfalls of ICO
11 August 2017 21:00, UTC Elena MASOLOVA, Investor in TokenStars. Serial entrepreneur with 3 exits, founder of Groupon Russia, Pixonic, Eduson and AddVenture Fund
The blockchain is already "the present" and for sure not future
The Russian regulator looks narrowly at blockchain. Are all minds gathered in the new Association?
16 July 2017 21:00, UTC Ivan BASOV, Chief Analyst of FinTech Association Russia
Who do you think will win the battle for decentralization: regulators or free market?
There is a wide range of views on this issue. So who will have the upper hand?
10 July 2017 06:13, UTC
Those who have decided to deal with mining now, in theory and in practice, - are they already late? How much money can beginner miners make?
Experts are almost unanimous when they answer this question. All of them are for and only one is against! How are the voices split up?
10 July 2017 06:10, UTC