Cryptocurrency market continues to recover
After a weekend of declines, the cryptocurrency market demonstrates its stable growth
18 July 2017 21:00, UTC
How legal are cryptocurrencies around the world: Bolivia, China and Russia

The article takes a look at regulators’ attitude towards cryptocurrency transactions in certain countries

18 July 2017 07:24, UTC Paul GRAPES
National Bank of Belarus creates blockchain-based information network
The National Bank of Belarus has implemented a blockchain technology in order to help banks and, in future, stock markets
17 July 2017 21:00, UTC
Goldman Sachs receives a patent for its cryptocurrency
Goldman Sachs is going to make operations with securities using SETLcoin cryptocurrency
17 July 2017 21:00, UTC
SatoshiPay to replace Bitcoin with IOTA
Blockchain-based nanopayments company SatoshiPay considers IOTA more advanced technology than Bitcoin
17 July 2017 21:00, UTC
Kyrgyzstan government to support datacenter creation for cryptocurrency transactions processing
Kyrgyzstan state administration is planning to build a datacenter worth $40mln together with a commercial company
17 July 2017 21:00, UTC
Bitcart and Dash introduce a wristband for cryptocurrency payments
Now it’s possible to attend a festival or a bar with Festy wristband without being afraid of losing cash or credit cards
17 July 2017 21:00, UTC
Kazakhstan has become the second state to regulate the cryptocurrency market
The participants of the working group created together with the Astana International Finance Centre told about the prospects for development of the cryptocurrency regulation in Kazakhstan
17 July 2017 14:58, UTC
Bitcoin Price Starts Growing
Bitcoin wins back its position – the rate of a currency passed $2,000
17 July 2017 13:31, UTC
Probability of Bitcoin split in two chains has been growing
August 1 is drawing close – the important day for Bitcoin owners who are anxiously waiting for chain split
17 July 2017 12:42, UTC
Bitcoin becomes cheaper, the market continues to go down
The biggest increase of bitcoin price reduced capitalization of the cryptocurrency market
17 July 2017 12:27, UTC
GDAX can suspend Bitcoin trade
Amid expectations of Bitcoin chain split on August 01, 2017, GDAX announced it can suspend Bitcoin operations
17 July 2017 09:28, UTC
EAEU countries work on introduction of national cryptocurrencies
National or global one – EAEU countries think over creation of national cryptocurrencies
17 July 2017 06:54, UTC
Central Bank of Albania announced risks related to cryptocurrencies warning country citizens
Hazards of cryptocurrencies according to the Albanian Central Bank
17 July 2017 06:51, UTC
The blockchain is already "the present" and for sure not future
The Russian regulator looks narrowly at blockchain. Are all minds gathered in the new Association?
16 July 2017 21:00, UTC Ivan BASOV, Chief Analyst of FinTech Association Russia
Regulation of cryptocurrency as digital assets will help Indian authorities to collect more tax
Indian officials resolved that cryptocurrency ban would worsen the situation with tax collection in the country
14 July 2017 12:02, UTC
Bitcoin network can face disruption in the near future
Bitcoin Core developers warned users about possible network disruptions
14 July 2017 11:57, UTC
Swiss online bank to launch bitcoin trading
Clients of Swiss bank Swissquote will be able to exchange dollars and euros into Bitcoin
14 July 2017 11:52, UTC
Cryptocurrency. Has the era of primitive accumulation come to an end?

A happy man who bought 5000 bitcoins in 2009, finally, has reaped the benefits. See more details in this article

13 July 2017 09:51, UTC Paul GRAPES
Bitcoin international transfers to be legalized in South Korea
South Korea-based Fintech companies will compete with the banks due to fast and cheap international transfers in Bitcoin.
13 July 2017 09:41, UTC