BTC-e promises to return investor funds

The representative of BTC-e exchange (offline since 25 July 2017) has partly clarified what happened and promised that all investments will be returned to the users of the service

30 July 2017 21:00, UTC Vsevolod Gnetii
Indian cryptocurrency exchanges expressed their view on Bitcoin Cash
The leading cryptocurrency exchanges of India commented on possible Bitcoin blockchain segregation and warned their users of events that might occur during the next several days
30 July 2017 21:00, UTC
UAHF: free money or bitcoin collapse?
What will the hard fork bring to Bitcoin and new blockchain supporters and who will benefit the most — the 1st of August, the day when the Bitcoin blockchain might divide, is around the corner
30 July 2017 21:00, UTC
Moscow Exchange Central Depository to create cryptocurrency platform
Russia’s National Depository Center is ready to create the service platform for cryptoassets, but the underdevelopment of legislation in this sphere hampers the planning process
30 July 2017 21:00, UTC
Hard fork is coming. What will happen to Bitcoin?

On the 1st of August, 2017, the Bitcoin community might meet the network segregation. As a result, a new cryptocurrency by the name of Bitcoin Cash can emerge. Bitnewstoday.com has collected the views about this fork and how the market is preparing for it

30 July 2017 21:00, UTC Massimo Di Giuda
Blockchain – the gold rush or a dotcom bubble?
The bubble will burst, millions will be lost, but technology will still remain. This is what experts think of blockchain, but is it really the case?
27 July 2017 21:00, UTC Paul GRAPES
Russia’s Central Bank is developing a blockchain financial service platform
Recognizing the importance of international practices, the Central Bank of Russia aims to create the national blockchain platform – the base for financial and other digital services
27 July 2017 21:00, UTC
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network demands multimillion fines from BTC-e and Alexander Vinnik
Alexander Vinnik, a Russian citizen, may face more than 50 years of imprisonment for violating American anti-money-laundering laws and participation in the criminal activities of the cryptocurrency exchange
27 July 2017 21:00, UTC
People of India know about cryptocurrencies more than Russians
Despite the considerable cryptocurrency awareness of Indian people, not many decide to actually pay with this kind of money – they doubt such operations are secure
27 July 2017 21:00, UTC
The stage of signaling about SegWit fixing proposal has started
Another stage aimed at prevention of the hard fork scenario in Bitcoin network has started on 27 July 2017, one of the market leaders doesn’t believe the negative Bitcoin blockchain changes are possible
27 July 2017 21:00, UTC
The cryptocurrency mining is not the long-term growth driver for AMD
The AMD corporation does not plan to boost its income via selling video cards and graphic processors to miners, but will keep an eye on blockchain evolution
27 July 2017 21:00, UTC
BTC-e – will it ever come back from the dead?

And what if the arrest of the Russian criminal enterprise mastermind allegedly responsible for $4 Bitcoin laundering is connected with the collapse of BTC-e cryptocurrency exchange?

26 July 2017 21:00, UTC
Goldman Sachs predicts growth of bitcoin’s price up to $3,600
The analysis of past bitcoin fluctuations makes the technician from Goldman Sachs believe that it might grow over $3,600
26 July 2017 21:00, UTC
Cryptocurrency exchanges in the Philippines do not rush into getting a license
Despite the directives issued by the main financial regulator of the Philippines, the country’s cryptocurrency exchanges prefer to operate without obtaining the license and submission of periodic reports to the Central Bank
26 July 2017 21:00, UTC
S7 Airlines and Alfa-Bank launch Ethereum-based flight ticket sales
The clients of S7 Airlines now have yet another way to pay for tickets – via Ethereum. S7 Airlines states it plans to further implement blockchain in their business
26 July 2017 21:00, UTC
BTC-e cryptocurrency exchange is offline for more than 24 hours
Will the users of BTC-e exchange save their funds? The unscheduled maintenance of the exchange platform is taking more than one day, situation still unclear
25 July 2017 21:00, UTC
Blockchain will reduce Russian corporations’ costs
Blockchain implementation in various financial and management processes of Russian Federation-based corporations will allow to reduce their expenses and bring additional 8 trillion roubles of revenue
25 July 2017 21:00, UTC
Russian detained in Greece accused of Bitcoin-based money laundering
Russian, the head and the ‘brain’ of the criminal network that laundered $4 billion of dirty money, detained in the Greek city of Thessaloniki
25 July 2017 21:00, UTC
Digital token sales may fall under jurisdiction of the US securities law
The United States Securities and Exchange Commission expressed the opinion that the ICO offers must be subject to the same laws with which securities already comply.
25 July 2017 21:00, UTC
What Internet users want to know about bitcoin

Every day bitcoin is growing it its popularity that leads to the increasing number of related queries in web search engines. Bitnewstoday.com has analyzed what information concerning bitcoins is being searched by Internet users.

25 July 2017 21:00, UTC Margareth Nail