Africa: You Electrify Her, You Blockchain Her, You Buy Her
What can the blockchain energy industry in Africa? We understand what  represents the great African dream today and why all world powers want to touch it.
16 October 2018 17:30, UTC Daria Piotrovskaya
Tragedy In Indonesia. How Humanitarian Supplies Being Embezzled
After the earthquake in Tahiti, $3.6 billion were stolen. How much will be stolen after the earthquake in Indonesia? And could DLT help conquer corruption in humanitarian supplies?
15 October 2018 13:03, UTC Oleg Koldayev, Alina Belkovskaya
How Low Will The Bitcoin Go If The Quantum Computer Hacks The SHA3-256 Algorithm
The conference CYBER CRIME CON/2018 was held in Moscow. The first day was under the sign of crypto exchanges
12 October 2018 13:52, UTC Oleg Koldayev, Anna Zhygalina
Nation-state cyberwarfare and why a lot of hackers is good
Over the past year, hackers have attacked the five largest digital exchanges. On CyberCrimeCon 2018 experts said why this is happening and how to handle it.
12 October 2018 08:57, UTC Theodore Serdotetskiy
Doom'n'Gloom: What Threats Are Too Much For Informational Security
The digital economy is a direct byproduct of technological progress. And its protection and constant vigilance, when it comes to, is crucial for its survival and further development.
11 October 2018 18:47, UTC Daniil Danchenko, Anna Zhygalina
Big Pharma: Blockchain To Move The Big Guys With Big Prices
The blockchain evangelists recommend a shift of the healthcare to DLT until multinational corporations did not take the whole market into their own hands. The doctors will be completely replaced by the diagnostic AI machines in 50 years.
11 October 2018 11:21, UTC Anna Zhygalina
Every Statement of Dr. Doom Against Crypto Can Be Easily Defeated — Here Is How
Nouriel Roubini is notorious for severely criticizing cryptocurrencies. The latest statements, however, are more provocative than reasonable. Richard Shibi brings forward his counter-arguments.
11 October 2018 09:26, UTC Richard Shibi, blockchain and ICO consultant; Denis Goncharenko, Bitnewtoday.com author
Tokenization of Real Estate: How To Divide A $30 Mln Mansion And Sell Off The Pieces
Digital technologies are penetrating the legal reality. Will they be able to protect the property from new crises?
10 October 2018 18:06, UTC Oleg Koldayev
Sierra Leone: The Reasons Behind UN's Experiments With FInTech
70% of the population live below the poverty line. The value of one leone - $0,00012. Why is the sand of a poor country turned out to be fertile ground for the introduction of FinTech?
10 October 2018 13:17, UTC Daria Piotrovskaya
Revolution Or Sabotage: Scaling Through A Bag of Bitcoins' Blockchain
Pivot to asia being discussed more and more in the today’s blockchain society. Asia slowly becomes a key region for the industry
10 October 2018 11:26, UTC Daniil Danchenko
How Crypto Exchanges Lost Over $882 Million In Two Years
Experts: the main danger comes from nation-state hackers from China, North Korea and Iran. It's time to become a hunter, not a target!
10 October 2018 08:54, UTC Theodore Serdotetskiy
Blockchain: Solving Scalability With A Cellphone And A Chip
Distribution and scalability are ones of the most problematic things in the blockchain. Is there a good solution for them?
04 October 2018 16:20, UTC Daniil Danchenko
Rethink Your HR Policy: How to Get The Best Out of Tech-Savvy People

The disruptive influence of technologies strikes labor forces, while struggling for efficiency. Luddites may call it ‘devastation’, tech people call it ‘evolution’.

04 October 2018 09:11, UTC Denis Goncharenko
eCommerce: Sales on DLT To Grow x5 by 2021
Blockchain and cryptocurrency popularization affects an increasing number of industries. We tell you how the technical development of the markets will affect the future of eСommerce.
28 September 2018 08:58, UTC Daria Burdina
The UN Is Ready to Cooperate With The Digital Market Player
Digital companies started joining UN’s initiatives. Global humanities institutes are also ready to adopt virtual assets.  Has the trend of overcoming the credibility gap become clear?
27 September 2018 12:37, UTC Oleg Koldayev
Real Estate: Blockchain Threatens Notaries and Realtors
The real estate and the related services have remained unshakable and unchanged for decades.
26 September 2018 20:31, UTC Daniil Danchenko
Ave Juve! Viva PSG! Leading Football Clubs Have Turned to Virtual Assets
The future of digital coins is in becoming not only the means of merchandise exchange but also the means of “friend-or-foe” recognition
26 September 2018 15:19, UTC Oleg Koldayev
Global Military AI Development: Not Top But Secret
Experts promise the launch of AWS by 2023. US will allocate $9.6 billion for the drones development in 2019. The automated gun emplacements ask intruders for capitulation in Korea.
25 September 2018 15:36, UTC Anna Zhygalina
DLT: Can Users Return The Power Over Their Personal Data and Monetize It
The new DLT-platform offers users to share their personal information with business and make money out of it. How much is your data worth and how cost-effective can the overall ecosystem of data exchange be for business
21 September 2018 19:36, UTC Anastasia Ermolaeva
Four Reasons Why InsurTech Startups Won’t Get Subdued by Traditional Institutions
Let’s imagine the idea that the traditional insurance market plots against InsurTech startups. Is there a possibility of a real threat on the horizon?
21 September 2018 16:27, UTC Denis Goncharenko, Bitnewstoday.com; Kobi Bendelak, CEO InsurTech Israel