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TOP 20 Cryptocurrencies: What Has Changed in Two Years

11 December 2019 07:09, UTC
Massimo Di Giuda
Since its inception, Bitcoin has never been replaced from the first place in the capitalization of cryptocurrencies. Bitnewstoday has prepared a survey on what has happened to BTC and its competitors over the past two years and how the market has changed and who has left the top for good.

Bitcoin has grabbed its market share

According to Coinmarketcap.com, two years ago, in December, 2017, the market capitalization was 305 Bln and just started gaining momentum — against ~$200 Bln for today. During this time, 1000 new cryptocurrencies and tokens were added (more than one per day), and Bitcoin only gained some weight compared to the market as a whole:

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The flow of capital from altcoins to BTC has been going on for several years and is likely to continue further.

New heroes

The value of 10 cryptocurrencies with a maximum capitalization over two years has not practically changed: they accounted for 89.4% two years ago and 89% now. Ethereum has fallen in price by half, while Bitcoin Cash — by almost five times. Ripple and Litecoin have changed slightly. The structure and share of each asset in the top ten have changed, but the volume in capitalization has remained the same. This is the top 20 cryptocurrencies by capitalization, according to Coinmarketcap.com, in 2017 and now:

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NEO and NEM lost their positions in the top twenty by 9 and 19 points respectively. Representatives of both companies continue to work on the platform, attract developers and have already created many collaborations with application manufacturers on their blockchains. Even PR and tours of the team representatives didn’t save them from a dip in the ranking. Dash fell from 6th to 22nd place, and besides two other anonymous cryptocurrencies fell: Zcash (from 15th to 31st place) and Monero (from 7th to 12th place).

TRON investors who posted hundreds of Dapps on their platform were quite pleased (+39 positions in the rating). Some of them still collect thousands of active users per day, for example, in the gaming and gambling sectors. Tezos, which climbed +1018 points, has grown in capitalization due to volumes, but not due to price. The same applies to Tether. But Chainlink is one of the few cryptocurrencies that grew in price in 2018-2019. The company collaborates with SWIFT and Hedera Hashgraph, and continues to improve the product. The promising project attracts investment and may continue growing more than the market itself.