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John McAfee: don’t fear the market trends

14 March 2018 21:00, UTC

John McAfee, software developer who is largely interested in the market of cryptocurrencies, has left a message on his Twitter regarding the current state and atmosphere of the digital currency market.

He implies that the behavior of investors who read his tweets may considerably influence the price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies which have lately entered a bearish trend once again.

John McAfee clearly tries to prevent the scenario which financial analyst and investment expert Sheba Jafari from Goldman Sachs has already described, when market pessimism creates another wave of market pessimism and Bitcoin continues to fall down step by step. Due to its share on the cryptocurrency market, other altcoins tend to follow it as well, as described before on Bitnewstoday.

18-10-2018 14:03:00  |   Technology

Steve Wozniak, another notable figure connected with IT, has mixed feelings about Bitcoin: at first, he claimed it was better than gold, then he sold it at a local maximum in December 2017. One can see more on how his position changed in Bitnewstoday’s video report.

Image courtesy of Moises Castillo/Associated Press