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California wants to put municipal bonds on the blockchain

13 February 2018 21:00, UTC

According to the media dedicated to the upgrade of governmental technologies in the United States, local councils continue to propose various blockchain initiatives. One of them is a blockchain-based municipal bond. This loan mechanism backed by municipal property is relatively old and is widespread around the world.

Regional bonds are planned to be moved to the blockchain structures with the help of the Neighbourly startup and, which is much more important, in cooperation with the University of California, Berkeley. This university has already invented a working way of the Bitcoin blockchain mempool scan which is designed for the deanonymizing of criminal syndicates. This means that the city council of Berkeley has a chance to cooperate with tech consultants who truly have knowledge of the blockchain’s structural features.

This innovative step of Berkeley authorities has already been briefly mentioned by Bitnewstoday in the recent video report. Observers noted that in doing so, the authorities of Berkeley have discovered a way to secure the town budget from sudden federal funding reduction. Therefore, to have a full image of the current situation on the crypto market and in the blockchain sphere, one should not ignore Bitnewstoday’s video reports.