Chicago, New York, Stuttgart, Valletta, Kingston, Berlin... Institutional investors Pussyfoot Around
Stock exchanges announce the start of crypto projects, but they cannot be trusted. Earlier, than in 5 years, tokens on classical stock exchanges will, most likely, not be traded. Traders are not ready
20 August 2018 18:08, UTC
Oleg Koldayev
British Banks Sabotage The Royal Coin. Are They Voting For Dollar?
Great Britain was delirious with the plans of the national cryptocurrency. But the reality has turned out to be more cynical than the English humor. Banks have torpedoed this project. Cyberdosh versus Bucks?
16 August 2018 15:53, UTC
Oleg Koldayev
Crypto Overtake The Gold Twice. For The First Time
For the first time in the world history the economic trend – purchase of values by digital coins – is coming not from rich countries to poor ones, but vice versa. The crypto is gradually becoming a balancer of opportunities
16 August 2018 14:20, UTC
Oleg Koldaev, Catherine Lange
How Russian Hackers Related To OTC Trading And Who Benefits
According to the study conducted by various fintech companies, Malta is (big surprise!) is a leader when it comes to the trading volumes at the crypto exchanges. Russia is not in a hurry to centralized platforms and became a world leader in OTC cryptotransactions
15 August 2018 15:31, UTC
Daniil Danchenko
Investing Sharks Smell The Big Crypto
Despite negative rumors and negging, bitcoin and virtual money intrigue people
10 August 2018 15:20, UTC
Daniil Danchenko
Why JPMorgan, Barclays And Citi-Bank Can't Play Crypto
Information field around cryptocurrencies is also a kind of a stock exchange, where not only the strongest, but also the most talkative one survives
09 August 2018 19:08, UTC
Oleg Koldayev
8 whitepaper key points for ICOs in 2018. Points #5-8
It is more than getting investors’ attention. It is all about reliability.
07 August 2018 08:35, UTC
Richard Shibi, Denis Goncharenko
1000% benefit is not a fairy tale. It’s a bare-faced lie!
The space where crypto funds live can be compared with the “Comanche territory”, where there are “good guys” and “Comanche” themselves, waiting for a lonely fool-traveler.
06 August 2018 21:00, UTC
Oleg Koldayev
8 whitepaper key points for ICOs in 2018. Points #1-4
ICO investors become more elective day by day. Here are the ideas of how to get their attention.
06 August 2018 08:52, UTC
Richard Shibi, blockchain consultant; Denis Goncharenko, journalist
Bitcoin In Commerce — Loose Cannon. Will It Go Off Or Not?
Large companies develop platforms for selling goods and services for bitcoins. But is it necessary for customers? Experts from all over the world answer this.
06 August 2018 08:18, UTC
Ann Sotnikova, Catherine Lange
Stock market will swallow cryptocurrency
Thomson Reuters Eikon noted the crypto market. Does that mean the cryptocurrency is not underground anymore?
02 August 2018 11:52, UTC
Oleg Koldaev, Catherine Lange
Why Big Money do not want go crypto?
Why big money did not come to the crypto universe?
24 July 2018 11:48, UTC
Daniil Danchenko
The reality of cryptocurrencies on the retail market
Crush scepticism: Wanchain and Pundi X launch a collaboration for a global retail challenge
20 July 2018 09:36, UTC
Denis Goncharenko
The fallacy of trading volume
Can you trust financial reports from a cryptoexchange?
20 July 2018 05:21, UTC
Daniil Danchenko
Halal + bitcoin = WOW! Virtual money is spreading within the society
Bahrain Shariyah issued Stellar Development Foundation fund a Shariyah Review Board license (the product fits the islamic standards)
18 July 2018 11:02, UTC
Oleg Koldaev, Diana Asadova
The new rules of Wall Street exam
CFA Institute added exam topics on blockchain and cryptocurrency
18 July 2018 08:36, UTC
Diana Asadova
What is ICCO: a step forward or a circle run?
ICCO or Initial Convertible Coin Offering — a new model of business tokenization, suggested by the Palladium startup. Let’s investigate the details and analyze the perspectives of the model.
18 July 2018 08:05, UTC
Denis Goncharenko
Everybody hates EOS
Is EOS playing dirty in its clash with Ethereum for supremacy?
16 July 2018 21:00, UTC
Daniil Danchenko
How to pitch for investors
Every team wants to establish the straight connections with investors. I have been moderating one of the most significant Russia ICO Shows at WBS at 26th of April and at WBCSummit at 20th of may
16 July 2018 15:42, UTC
Alina Belkovskaya
Bitcoin or not bitcoin? That is the question
Experts are expressing another prediction about Bitcoin’s future with nothing exact as usual. Everything is possible: world domination, competition with fiat and gold, and also neglection
13 July 2018 15:32, UTC