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Ethereum and Cardano Co-Founder: Trump the Favorite for Crypto, but the World Moves on Without the U.S.

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On the sidelines of the TOKEN2049 conference in Singapore, Charles Hoskinson, co-founder of Ethereum and Cardano, shared his thoughts in an interview with CNBC about the differing crypto stances of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Throughout the interview, Hoskinson provided a detailed comparison of the two political figures, with a particular focus on their policies related to the cryptocurrency space.

Hoskinson began by stating that from a cryptocurrency perspective, Donald Trump appears to be the more favorable candidate. Hoskinson explained that Trump’s personal and familial involvement in decentralized finance (DeFi) projects, as well as his participation in crypto-related conferences, indicates a more positive stance toward the industry. In contrast, Hoskinson pointed out that Kamala Harris and her political affiliations have been linked to figures like Gary Gensler, who has taken a more combative approach toward cryptocurrencies. According to Hoskinson, “Trump is certainly the favorite from a cryptocurrency perspective,” given the backdrop of Harris’s association with crypto regulation policies that have been described as unfriendly.

However, Hoskinson emphasized that regardless of who holds the presidency, the global movement toward embracing cryptocurrencies is already well underway. He remarked that “the world, with or without America, is embracing cryptocurrencies,” pointing to regions like Singapore, Hong Kong, and Abu Dhabi as examples of places that have created progressive frameworks for the industry. He also cited Switzerland’s FINMA and the FCA in the UK as institutions that are advancing crypto adoption. Hoskinson noted that while it would be advantageous for the U.S. to rejoin the global race in crypto innovation, the decentralized future of the world is inevitable, whether America participates or not.

When Hoskinson was asked about Trump’s apparent opportunism, given his family’s ventures into crypto, he addressed the issue by suggesting that such behavior is typical among politicians. Hoskinson referenced Nancy Pelosi’s trades as another example of political figures engaging in opportunistic practices, remarking, “Every politician has some degree of opportunism.” According to Hoskinson, this is a common feature of the American political system, and it’s something people have come to expect.

Despite any personal motivations on Trump’s part, Hoskinson clarified that the president does not make decisions in isolation. The U.S. political system is broad and coalition-based, which means that regardless of Trump’s position, there are many stakeholders involved in crafting crypto-related policies. Hoskinson noted that several Republican figures, such as Tim Scott and Senator Cynthia Lummis, are open to fair regulation and dialogue surrounding cryptocurrency, which he finds encouraging. However, Hoskinson criticized the current Democratic leadership for being less willing to engage with the crypto industry, pointing out that figures like Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden have not shown much openness to dialogue on sensible crypto regulations.

Still, Hoskinson sees hope in the generational divide within the Democratic Party. He explained that younger Democrats, like Ro Khanna, are more willing to engage in discussions about crypto regulation and may eventually play a role in shaping more balanced policies. Hoskinson concluded by saying that the older political guard may not yet be fully on board with crypto, but eventually, there will likely be a convergence of viewpoints as new voices rise within the party.

Regarding Trump’s long-term political influence, Hoskinson commented that while Trump is an anomaly in U.S. politics, his influence is temporary. Hoskinson believes that the more important issue is ensuring that America adopts fair and corruption-free systems that distribute power more evenly. He stated that it’s better to have systems that do not concentrate power in the hands of multi-trillion-dollar companies, suggesting that decentralized systems offer a better future for both America and the world.
