Talking dead, a renowned live television after-show, is giving its followers a chance to win a historically significant item from their legendary discussion show. The platform is holding an auction where the winning bidder will receive an autographed, unique piece of memorabilia from the concert. The prop is attached to a 1-of-1 NFT that is hand-crafted by Orange Comet’s design team.
Chris Hardwick hosts the popular live television after-show Talking Dead, in which he discusses the analysis of AMC’s ‘The Walking Dead’ series. Each prop is meticulously constructed by hand by the Talking Dead team. Every single piece of history at this auction has been particularly created to represent each season of the show.
The intriguing component of this auction that has generated enthusiasm among the fans is the autograph that was offered by their very own well-known Chris Hardwick on each iconic piece. As a way for fans to own a piece of this talk show, they may place bids on these iconic items. Fans can submit bids on an American NFT marketplace, OpenSea, beginning Sunday, November 13th, 2022, at 8 pm.