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Famous Dogecoin Lover Matt Wallace To Delete His YouTube Channel f Doge Doesn't Cross $1 By Year's End

source-logo  thecryptobasic.com  + 1 more 16 June 2022 04:54, UTC

Matt Wallace will deactivate his YouTube channel if Dogecoin doesn’t cross $1 by year’s end.

Famed Youtuber, Matt Wallace, recently took to Twitter to say he is confident that DOGE will reach $1 before the year ends, and if it doesn’t, he’d delete his Twitter account.

Wallace is also known for advocating Dogecoin. His Twitter and Youtube accounts are dedicated to covering everything crypto.

“I am so confident Dogecoin will pass $1 by the end of the year, that I will delete my YouTube channel if it does not.”

I am so confident #Dogecoin will pass $1 by the end of the year, that I will delete my YouTube channel if it does not.

— Matt Wallace (@MattWallace888) June 15, 2022

Wallace has 621K Twitter followers and his youtube channel has 246K followers.

Wallace also added shortly after that that if Elon Musk’s SNL appearance with only 10 million viewers can get DOGE past $0.75, imagine what a much higher viewer count will do. 

In related news, just two months ago, DOGE creator, Billy Markus, and Matt Wallace butt differed on social media over the latter announcing that he is creating another coin imitating Dogecoin so he can encourage retailers about the memecoin. 

The inventor of DOGE did not take a liking to this concept and had the impression that something was off. On social media, he called out the long-time fan of Dogecoin and warned him of the legal proceedings that the team may take against it. 

Markus pointed out that Matt is very literally breaching the law, and that in doing so, he is not contributing to the success of dogecoin, but rather its downfall. The little altercation didn’t seem to stop the influencer from being one of DOGE’s biggest enthusiasts.

Even if Dogecoin’s price has been beating over the last several months, it does not imply the cryptocurrency has been eliminated from contention. The meme cryptocurrency nevertheless has a devout following that is certain it will prevail against the torrent that is working against it, even if it has to dog paddle all the way to the moon.

At the time of writing, Dogecoin (DOGE) is valued $0.060914, up 15% in the past 24 hours, and down 24% in the past seven days. As the crypto market sputters to a halt, Dogecoin’s price is displaying some pretty interesting technicals.


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