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Elon Musk's Update Triggers Excitement of XRP and Meme Communities

source-logo  u.today 23 May 2024 14:16, UTC

Tech tycoon Elon Musk, who acquired Twitter in October 2022 for $44 billion and then rebranded it as X (planning to make it "The Everything App" in the near future) has announced that yet another useful feature of his social media platform has been upgraded.

The community, which features many XRP fans and meme lovers, replied with a wave of enthusiasm about the new upgrade of the feature that helps verify real information on X or correct false information – Community Notes.

Musk announces Community Notes update, community responds

The serial tech entrepreneur tweeted that Community Notes has finally been translated, quoting a tweet from his account that was not in English as usual but in French.

The tweet also announced that from now on any comments made in Community Notes can be translated with a single click on the post: “Now, if you see a Community Note in another language, you can tap to translate. Available today for contributors, coming soon to everyone on X.”

Elon, a very practical question, when can we use Crypto to pay the fees on X platform?

— BEBE (@X_BEBEeth) May 23, 2024

Major XRP enthusiast @XRPcryptowolf once again reminded Musk that the implementation of cryptocurrency payments on the X platform is the only thing missing now.

A “meme artist,” @X_BEBEeth, also asked when crypto payments would become available on the platform. Many other meme-themed accounts also responded either praising and thanking Musk (and suggesting that Grok be added to the Community Notes) or asking him about the probability of crypto payments on X in the future.

Musk and other leaders slam Microsoft's new AI

This week, a new AI-based feature announced by Microsoft made waves within the cryptocurrency community. The corporation’s CEO, Satya Nadella, announced the launch of “Recall” – an addition to Microsoft’s Co-Pilot AI that is designed to constantly take screenshots of users' PCs or laptops to allow them to later search through this archive processed by AI.

Musk referred to this innovation as a “Black Mirror” episode and stated that he would switch off this feature. Vitalik Buterin wondered if this data is to be collected and added to Microsoft’s databases. Satya Nadella stated that it would only be collected locally, i.e., on users’ devices.

Ripple CTO David Schwartz wondered who would ever want to use such a feature.
