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Satoshi Nakamoto is a Former Drug Cartel Boss?

source-logo  thecoinrepublic.com 15 December 2022 05:10, UTC

Bitcoin’s inception in January 2009 left the whole world in awe as Satoshi Nakamoto opened gates for peer to peer financial transactions. It also raised questions about who this shadowy figure is. To this date, no one knows who the person is. In fact, there’s no proof if the entity is a person, a group or an organization. Recently, the widely criticized convicted felon, Martin Shkreli, said that he knows who Satoshi is.

Do We Finally Have Satoshi’s Identity?

He claims to have decoded the first ever Bitcoin transaction sent to Hal Finney from Satoshi. He posted a wallet address which he translated to “BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE.” He said that this transaction was made by Paul Le Roux, a programmer and criminal cartel boss.

However, he was unable to explain how he decoded the “code”. People in the comment section started to counter his statement and eventually proved him wrong. A user said that the address he posted is not compatible with the Bitcoin Blockchain and is a new signature type to particularly sign the message which was launched in November 2011.

The user also claimed that someone else has command of the key as someone else obtained Hal Finney’s private key after the man’s demise. Martin said that he will reach Finney’s family to know who acquired it and why they would be signing the messages. Though he claimed that Paul Le Roux is Satoshi, he commented that he does not care who the mysterious figure is.

In May 2022, The Guardian reported that the disgraced entrepreneur who goes by the name “Pharma Bro” was released from prison. The Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBP) stated that Martin was released to a halfway house. He was given a life sentence alongside a $64 Million penalty by a United States court.

In 2015, he acquired a license for Daraprim, an antiparasitic drug, and raised its value from $13.5 to $750 per pill, an over 5,000 rise. In another count, he was charged for securities fraud.

Many people have previously claimed or were alleged to be the mysterious figure. A Tesla employee said on his Medium that the company’s CEO is Satoshi Nakamoto. According to the post, Elon Musk’s interests and knowledge could have led him to develop the world’s first crypto assets.

Another candidate to this theory remains an Australian computer scientist, Craig Wright. He also admitted publicly that he is, in fact, Bitcoin’s founder. Other candidates in this theory include Nick Sabzo, Dorian Nakamoto and more. To this date there’s no telltale signs about the identity or the whereabouts of the mysterious entity.

This conspiracy has reached a level where if the actual Satoshi showed up tomorrow, it will be really hard for the people to believe that person.
