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AriseBank is a scam, court and business community confirm

29 January 2018 21:00, UTC

The court in Texas ordered the organization called AriseBank to cease operations and stop business activities in this state due to the local laws which dictate that only banks can name themselves banks in Texas.

If the organization’s activities do not correspond with banking activities, but this organization still identifies as a bank, this is classified as giving knowingly false information for consumers. There’s even more: the market participants have made an investigation, as a result of which they found out that the pompously advertised partnership of AriseBank with Bitshares has little connection with real life. They have also concluded that this organization itself is a scam project.

Jared Rice heads this AriseBank. According to the comments of his previous clients on Ripoff Report, he owns a network of firms which claim they can do the required job well and get money, but give nothing in return afterwards. Same customers report that Mr. Rice had acquired more than $200,000 on non-cryptocurrency scams, but this information is impossible to verify.

Anyway, AriseBank is surrounded with rumors and court orders which do not help the reputation and trustworthiness of the company at all, and the site of this self-proclaimed bank is not available at the press time for some reason.