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Whalepool for NO2X

18 October 2017 21:00, UTC

One of the biggest digital currency trading communities, Whalepool, has proclaimed its non-support towards the controversial Bitcoin protocol update titled SegWit2x. Bitcoin Core supporters view SegWit2x as a corporate conspiracy or an unnecessary division of the market players. The reason for Whalepool’s decision is due to their negative view of the New York Agreement terms. The latter was signed by those companies that decided to support SegWit2x. Also, judging by the corporation’s tweets on the matter, Whalepool clearly desires to keep the reputation of a free environment that always puts traders first.

Meanwhile in India, the big Bitcoin wallet service and trading platform called Unocoin has stated that it had decided to eventually support the blockchain that would get the most support from miners. In case of almost certain chain segregation, both cryptocurrencies – the old Bitcoin and the new one – will be given to the users, but later, Unocoin will suspend trading of a lesser currency, or of a currency with lesser blockchain hashrate.