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Hardware wallet - Nevada’s most popular item during the 2017-2018 holidays

25 March 2018 21:00, UTC

The data collected by the app called Earny, which, in turn, analyzes order receipts and financial spendings of the customers, has been a basis for the new research answering a simple question: what was the most popular item in each American state during the past holiday season?

It appears that the most popular item to buy in the state of Nevada during 2017-2018 holidays was Ledger Nano crypto hardware wallet. Note that at the time, Bitcoin was growing fast, and the majority of people considered buying Bitcoin-related goods or use Bitcoin services beneficial. Still, this is the only state of America where hardware wallets were so popular they took the first place.

24-07-2017 15:04:00  |   Regulation

The possible reason lies in the fact that Nevada is one of the most blockchain-friendly states to date. Last year the authorities of this region allowed to use blockchain-verified records in court proceedings and they don’t tax blockchain use. Two Las Vegas casinos reportedly accept Bitcoin, although not for gambling.

Another reason might be the successful marketing policy of Ledger Nano which has an office in Las Vegas.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock