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TOP-6 Universities Offering Blockchain Technology Courses

20 March 2019 12:22, UTC
Piers Golden

25-02-2019 15:48:17  |   Technology
The demand for blockchain education is needed to fill a skills gap in the market and keep up with supporting and regulating a growing technology. Not enough Universities or education facilities offer courses on blockchain at present but this is changing. Increasing pressure on education governing bodies will lead to wider spread courses being available. More media coverage and exposure can help create increased levels of courses. While studying in this new field there are limited resources to help students but blogs are available for free to help cite information correctly in Chicago essay format for example.

Top Ranked Universities offering blockchain courses

Here is the current list of the TOP Universities and some of the courses offered in order according to US News 2019 ranking in brackets.

Princeton University (1)

Example of courses

  1. COS 432/ ELE 432 Information security
  2. COS 597A Advanced topics in computer science — Quantum Cryptography
  3. COS 597J Advanced topics in computer science — Computer science for public policy and law

At Princeton, they offer a total of nine courses from four different departments which should give a pretty good selection and high standards of education. They also offer online courses, not just lecture based.

Harvard University (2)

  1. IGA 237M Future issues in cyber-security policy
  2. COMPSCI 143 Computer networks
  3. MGMT E-5408 Breakthrough innovation with blockchain technology

Harvard has a total of seven courses on offer, from four departments which should be a good selection and at a high standard. They offer online courses also.

Columbia University (3)

  1. Topics to signal processing — intro to blockchain tech
  2. Intro to blockchain, Cryptos and analytics
  3. Tech policy and culture in developing world.

Columbia has a total of 5 courses on offer from four departments and also should be a sufficient choice at a high standard. They only offer lecture-based courses at present.

Yale University (3)

  1. F&ES 1153 Blockchain - SupplychainWKS
  2. CPSC 367 Cryptography and security
  3. CPSC 512 Designing the digital economy

Yale has a total of three courses available from two departments, the choice is not as good as others but still at a very high standard. These are only lecture-based courses.

Stanford University (7)

  1. CS251 Cryptocurrencies, blockchains and smart contracts
  2. BUS 35 The business basics of blockchain, cryptocurrencies and tokens
  3. LAW 1043 Blockchain and cryptocurrencies — Law, economics, business and policy

Stanford has seventeen courses available from five departments so this the second best for choice in the list and would be taught at a high standard. They offer online and lecture-based courses.

Cornell University (16)

  1. CS 6466 Cryptocurrencies and smart contracts
  2. CS 6432 Distributed consensus and blockchains
  3. Blockchain for business certificate

Cornell offers twenty-four courses from four departments with the most choice at present and at a high standard would be the best blockchain students. They also offer online and lecture-based study.

Why do we need to be educated in blockchain?

In the first place, cybersecurity companies and analysts report a growing threat of hackers and other digital security issues. Blockchain is secure with its cryptography protocols but with most things, it is open to abuse. The continued education and understanding the blockchain system will prevent such fraud and better protect the decentralized currency. At present, there is no regulation or third party to govern the crypto market but this is a matter of time as this was a hot debate at the G20 summit in Argentina in 2018. Being a difficult technology to globally regulate increases demand to fully understand and govern it in the future.

Image courtesy of Irish Tech News

About the author:

Piers Golden is a writer who has been professionally engaged in the sphere since 2013. He covers the following topics: writing, education, marketing and more. Also often writes for EssayPro.