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Thousands of ransomware attacks detected in South Korea this year

16 November 2017 21:00, UTC

According to the latest report published by the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA), the North Korean hackers, which act under direct orders by the government, have considerably multiplied their attacks. What is interesting here for cryptocurrency enthusiasts is that the oldschool, 1950s-style dictatorship regime decided to play on the fintech field — the hackers’ ransomware, as one guess from the name, demand ransom in cryptocurrency in order to unblock the infected computer data. Another example — attacks on South Korean cryptocurrency exchanges in order to disrupt the financial processes.

Reports like this one have been appearing for quite a long time. Most agree that it’s North Korean government, while not willing to improve anything about the living standards within their own borders, try to fight what they consider their enemies. Some researchers even suggested that Kim Jon-un and his officials are trying to get more coins in order to hide finances from sanctions, which lately were only tightening thanks to the efforts of Donald Trump and his team, who decided that the “strategic patience” does not work with the DPRK at all.