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The first mining virus that kills his rivals

06 March 2018 21:00, UTC

A new mining virus has been spotted by cybersecurity experts. A mining virus is a malicious program which infects computers and hijacks the computational power to mine cryptocurrency for hackers remotely. This particular malware has a distinct feature: it terminates the work of other mining viruses once it finds them.

This is probably one of the first viruses to have antiviral properties. The decision of the author of the virus to include this search-and-destroy function was made due to the need for easy resource interception. The malefactor or the team behind this invention might have saved a considerable amount of time without searching for computers which are not infected by other mining viruses.

06-02-2018 00:00:00  |   Regulation

As detailed by the reports, the program pretends to be a driver of HP printing devices. It does not, however, infects printers. There has been an interesting example of a mining virus that has managed to infect Android TV devices which are not necessarily phones or tablets.

Another type of mining viruses infects websites and conducts in-browser mining by the resources of the site visitors, and not even the governmental websites of the United Kingdom have managed to avoid this newest security breach.