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Suddenly, hackers return over $15 million in ETH to CoinDash

27 February 2018 21:00, UTC

CoinDash, an Israeli blockchain startup, has suffered because of unknown hackers who stole over 40 thousand Ethereum coins. According to the latest messages in the media related to the cryptocurrency sphere, 20 thousand ETH is now in possession of CoinDash again after two mysterious transactions. While one of them happened last year, the second has been conducted only last Friday, journalists note. Only ten thousand Ether remains to be found.

The motivation of hackers who return the money to victims is very unclear. Why steal them in the first place? Is this some part of a sophisticated money laundering scheme? One can only guess, but the aforementioned company has regained the majority of its losses.

Another unexpected turn of events connected to cryptocurrency crimes has recently been described by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Turns out that the new market and its opportunities of unlawful gains has attracted criminals so much that the number of crimes connected to regular credit cards has decreased. In this story, however, nobody returns stolen funds.