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One Flew Over The UN's Nest. TOON #3

04 October 2018 13:59, UTC

The digital economy is not only domesticating new financial territories but also getting itself into the highest tribunes. And now, the theses about the social significance of the AI and DLT technologies  development are heard in the hall of the UN General Assembly. Malta is involved in the model legislation regulating the turnover of digital assets and Sierra Leone is launching a distributed ledger as a part of the personal identification system. UNICEF is already accepting contributions in digital coins.

Thus, step by step, the new economic reality is becoming the political reality. The topic of cryptocurrencies is discussed in one of the most politically significant places. It was here 58 years ago where the USSR leader Nikita Khrushchev promised to teach everybody what’s what. It was here where Nelson Mandela claimed about the rights of the black majority in RSA. It was here in this hall that witnessed hot discussions about ending the race of armaments.Now, the digital economy is discussed here. And probably, the sceptical rhetoric of reputable critics and the suspicious position of financial regulators may influence the future of the new money significantly.

Toon by Maxim Smagin


The UN Is Ready to Cooperate With The Digital Market Player

The next social initiative of the United Nations that saw the light after the General Assembly in 2015 defineding 17 goals of human development. According to the plan, they must be achieved by 2030. The "Goals of Sustainable Development" program appeared more than three years ago, but virtual coins came into play only now. The level of credibility in the digital financial system has certainly grown. But, however, this is not the first global humanitarian project using virtual financial technologies. In January 2017, the World Food Program (WFP) used the DLT-platform to fund the delivery of humanitarian supplies to Pakistani people affected by natural disasters (read more)

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Virtual Assets Bursted Into International Politics Through United Nations Agenda

The 73rd session of the UN General Assembly is sure to be remembered by all interested observers not only for Donald TRUMP’s being late to his own report but also for two brilliant speeches that may change the attitude of the world political establishment to the new economy.

This is the report of the Prime Minister of Malta, Joseph MUSCAT and the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Julius MAADA BIO on the future of digital currencies and DLT-technologies, not in financial, but rather in social interpretation (read more)