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Waves added on Huobi

20 June 2018 21:00, UTC

The cryptocurrency called Waves (WAVES) can now be deposited on Huobi, which has been explicitly confirmed and characterized as great news by the founder and CEO of the project. Alexander (Sasha) Ivanov has made it clear that more exchanges means more client base across the whole world.

The price of Waves has not grown considerably which may indicate that investors have not generated a hype which sometimes follows the news about the addition of the cryptocurrency on a new exchange. There actually has been a local jump from $3.69 to $3.73 today. Quite possibly, this is also due to the fact that the actual trading of WAVES to BTC and WAVES to ETH trading is going to open a bit sooner – 08:00 Jun 22 (GMT +0), as noted in the announcement of Huobi. The withdrawal opportunity will be unlocked 24 June (again, 08:00 GMT).

31-05-2018 00:00:00  |   News

Waves has recently had a dangerous reputational threat when it became apparent that the United Kingdom authorities want to close the business of this company within the state jurisdiction. As quickly clarified by Alexander Ivanov, everything went according to plan and the company is now a resident of the Swiss canton of Luzern. This information is fully confirmed on the official website of the canton.

Image: pinkblockchain.com