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Trending Trinity Weekly, 1-5 of October

06 October 2018 11:45, UTC
Ian Marchewski

Yet another working week has gone by and we’re here again staring at the figures of our weekly stats. You were really active this week and we are encouraged by the impressive numbers of views all over the website. Thanks for that, and now let’s go back to our Trending Trinity chart!

#3 — The South Korean Regulator Deprived The Crypto of Tax Benefits

What happened in South Korea after the infamous ICO ban last year? Actually a lot! For example, the companies can now be excluded from the classification of the business venture for the sale of digital assets. The government tries to convince us that all these restrictions are just to prevent money laundering and tax evasion. But what is the real result? Ann Zhigalina traced the chronology of all the legislative changes in Korea and came out with a great article that gained 4700+ views this week.

#2 — One Way Ticket, Monsieur Macron!

This article is just a second one to appear in our new section: Bitnewstoday toon. The rubric is a result of our collaboration with the amazing cartoonist Maxim Smagin. Apart from the brilliant cartoon picture with Manuelle Macron in a spacesuit, the material is also a compilation of the most recent crypto legislation news from France, where the regulation process seems to be up and running. Needless to say, we’re happy that this post managed to make it to the second place this week. Bravo, Maxim!

#1 — Virtual Assets Bursted Into International Politics Through United Nations Agenda

“That's one small step for blockchain, one giant leap for mankind”, — Neil Armstrong should’ve said if being a crypto enthusiast these days. And indeed, a very important thing happened that not everyone noticed. Two different delegates at the 73th UN General Assembly session dedicated their speeches to DLT and its importance is not in financial, but rather in social interpretation. Find out who they were and what it all means for the digital economy in the new material by Oleg Koldaev. Although the news haven’t exceeded the buzz after Donald Trump’s fail at the same session, this one is a leader of the week at Bitnewstoday. 5400+ views this week. Hooray!