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Tezos Announces the Launch of a New NFT Platform

23 December 2020 12:00, UTC
Anna Martynova

Tezos, a decentralized smart contract platform, has announced its first NFT platform called Kalamint. The launch of the platform is scheduled for next month. Like many of the alternative NFT platforms currently available on Ethereum, Kalamint will allow users to create and sell their own tokens. The beta version of Kalamint was sent to users for feedback and testing of smart contracts.

With the rise of Decentralized Apps (Dapps) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi), digital collectibles are entering the scene. Non-fungible tokens can represent any unique digital asset such as stocks, bonds, real estate, fractional ownership, etc. In this case, they will mainly represent art and digital collectibles.

The NFT market is not as big as the DeFi market, but collectible NFTs are growing steadily along with the rest of the crypto ecosystem.

Image: Publish0x