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Steve Wozniak says Ethereum can outlive the blockchain hype

26 June 2018 21:00, UTC

Ethereum will be among those blockchain projects which will live on even after the great fall of currently-overestimated enterprises, Steve Wozniak stated in his speech to the participants of the conference in New York called NEX.

Nevertheless, many other endeavors “can burn themselves out by not being prepared to be stable in the long run”. The technological problem of scalability fully fits with this description. As Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin once said, there is a graveyard of projects which claim to have solved the issue of scalability and not joining them is the mission of utmost importance.

The whole market reminds Steve Wozniak (who co-founded Apple with Steve Jobs) about the rise and fall of dotcoms. “It was a bubble, and I feel that way about blockchain,” he said at the same event.

24-10-2017 00:00:00  |   News

Steve Wozniak has previously characterized Bitcoin as something that is even better than gold, then - if the reports of the press are correct - sold his share at a maximum price around $20,000. When talking about the recent statements of Jack Dorsey about Bitcoin as an Internet cryptocurrency, Wozniak was skeptical. Despite this, he told he would love to see it.

Image: CNBC