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Liquid mining coolant becomes popular

17 April 2018 21:00, UTC

As witnessed on the recent forum in Moscow, miners have started to widely use the liquid cooling technology. Silicone oil has been demonstrated as a working coolant agent by several mining companies.

One of such devices by AcronTech has two tanks filled with this oil and it is able to store both Antminer devices and combined video card rigs. What makes this variant even more beneficial - a computer with the mining stats is also a part of the apparatus. The demo stand Bitcoin mining stats were displayed as 13580 GH/s, although this number can be put in doubt. The obvious downside of this device is that AcronTech demands a rent fee, although it is not as big as that of KODAK.

Other devices include simple tanks without any pre-installed means of stats collection and the plastic crates with modules for twelve mining devices - judging by the design, Antminer ASICs and rigs composed of four video cards. In all cases, silicone oil is used as a coolant agent.

One of the first ever working mining rigs which use oil as a coolant agent and a heat transfer tool has been shown on Reddit, and since then, miners all over the world clearly tested this concept, with some of them creatively upgrading the initial idea.

Notably, the representatives of mining community have not responded impressively to the question of a crypto developer about the move of PoW to other concepts and even noted that the future of mining in the next five years is unclear.

Image courtesy of Bitnewstoday