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Japanese chat app Line to use cryptocurrency soon

30 January 2018 21:00, UTC

Line, the vast Asian messenger (such apps are overall very popular in this region), plans to use cryptocurrency soon, technology websites report. This means not only the attraction of a huge number of Line users to the crypto market, but also vice versa - some cryptocurrency enthusiasts previously not using Line will download it out of pure interest.

This company is not only going to set up a new exchange platform, in-chat cryptocurrency payments are also on the way. The latter innovation might accelerate the use of cryptocurrency in the region and influence the local market.

Meanwhile, it is about time we heard something new about the supposed Telegram ICO. One of the white papers on the blockchain of the future messenger’s blockchain-based Telegram Open Network has been analyzed by specialists, and there is a high certainty the document was indeed not fake (just as Bitnewstoday initially thought). But as Herman Klimenko, Russian President’s adviser on fintech, correctly noted, launching a big ICO will require Pavel Durov to follow the rules made by governments, something he does not usually like to do.