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Human aging. What’s blockchain got to do with it?

20 July 2018 15:43, UTC
Catherine Lange

Conferences on the subject of blockchain and modern technologies attract a large number of scientists and researchers. And the Moscow "Future in the city" was not exception: the well-known british gerontologist, developer and director of science at the SENS Foundation Aubrey de Gray came to give a lecture on the issues of aging and the preservation of youth.

The scientist spoke about the concept of his research and defined the aging process. In his opinion, during life the body accumulates damage, and when it become too much, there are pathologies. He is sure that people make a huge mistake, not perceiving aging as a disease, believing that medicine will not help us.

The scientist interested the audience and the people asked many questions. For example, many biologists and physicians who attended the lecture asked about the features of the functioning of the cells of the body, especially they were interested in the processes of renewal of the cellular resource. But, unfortunately, no one received a clear answer. Instead, the scientist repeatedly referred to his research: "On mice it turns out perfectly. People, it’s a different. Acceleration of research needs more investment."

Also, the public did not receive an answer to the following question: how is the lecture on aging and the conference on blockchain and modern technologies related? In an interview for Bitnewstoday.com, the researcher explained:

"In fact, I know what the blockchain potentially is. But six months ago, Vitalik Buterin, the creator of the Etherium, donated a lot of money to our fund. And three other crypto-businessmen did the same."

Seems that some lecturers with a big name perceive such kind of events only as an opportunity to present their project. That is not bad. But there’s a question: don’t  the participants and speakers come to discuss the stated topics or just to find an investor for their project?

In fact, this trend has been noticed for a long time, when the speakers absolutely do not fit into the themes of the conferences, when the topics and discussions are only an occasion for achieving the goal.

Public speeches as a blockchain. Here nothing and no one will be unnoticed.