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Follow the White Rabbit: a blockchain innovation in the online cinema sphere

11 October 2017 21:00, UTC

One of the most useful features of blockchain is that it allows to cut the middleman and lets the parties – buyer and seller – to focus more on each other. Recently, there has been news about very interesting project on the blockchain that will allow artists and musicians to engage with audience directly – Viberate.

Now, a similar initiative has been launched with the movies. It’s titled White Rabbit. Smart contracts and other blockchain technologies will potentially allow to pay for films directly to its creators by using a simple browser plugin. Film streaming will also be an option.

The chief executive of the company notes that many users who illegally download from torrents could have paid for films if they only had the chance. Correct notion: many prefer original English versions instead of dubbed ones they can watch legally in their country of residence, many American or, say, French second-tier films are often not even issued in some countries, so torrents become the sole opportunity. The leader of White Rabbit has a previous successful experience as the cinema producer.