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Ethereum reached 100 million

12 June 2018 21:00, UTC

The total number of Ethereum coins has exceeded 100 million. Unlike Bitcoin, which emission is limited to 21 million coins, Ethereum has no restriction.

Previously, Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum’s co-founder, made some predictions concerning the timeline of reaching the certain number of ETH, but it didn’t come true. Thus, in 2016, Buterin suggested that this amount would not exceed 100 million — but this day has already come. According to his forecasts, 98 mln of coins would be produced by 2025, and the milestone of 101 million would be reached only in the 22 century. All of these predictions have failed.

Currently, Vitalik has offered to fix a limit on ETH emission of 120 million coins, which affected the market with FUD. Later, it was called the “April fool” joke, but as we know, there is a grain of joke in every joke. Buterin has later pointed out, that his proposal can be considered seriously.

The crypto community has become concerned about Ethereum unlimited emission, since this situation may cause a problem of "supply and demand." The Proof-of-Stake consensus protocol will be probably implemented to resolve the issue. For today, the total number of ETH is growing by about 10% per year. Casper protocol is expected to reduce inflation from 10% to 0.5-2% per year, but the time of its implementation has not been determined yet.

Image courtesy of Medium.com/code-kings