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Elon Musk rejects speculations that he created Bitcoin

28 November 2017 09:17, UTC

Yesterday, the ex-employee of SpaceX named Sahil Gupta suggested that Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious Prometheus who gave humanity the first cryptocurrency, might be none other than Elon Musk, who, too, has a knowledge in C++, wants to improve the life of all people and does not have problem with money.

Because Elon Musk was not seen often voicing his views on cryptocurrency (although some years ago, he suggested there is too much money laundering in that sphere), some people believed Sahil Gupta. Others decided to check back with the subject of theory and asked Elon Musk on Twitter. Here is what he responded: “Not true. A friend sent me part of a BTC a few years, but I don’t know where it is.”

The theory about Elon Musk has had another obvious flow from the start — the origin of Bitcoin is quite possibly in the Southeast Asia, which explains both the Japanese nickname and the good reception of the cryptocurrency by the Japanese government. Also, if one wants to imagine how Satoshi Nakamoto might look like, one might want to look at Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum creator) for the reference — a young, talented coder with a deep knowledge of programming. And Elon Musk is not this type: his talent lies in finding the right people to invent and the right topic to promote.