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Elon Musk Highlights The Importance of The New Doge Update, Which Will Help Reduce Fees

30 August 2021 13:58, UTC
Anna Martynova

Tesla CEO and Dogecoin fan, Elon MUSK, supported the call from the Doge community to roll out the new update to as many computers as possible. The tweet that Elon Musk responded to also reminds the Doge community that the network needs more new nodes to help secure the network and help reduce fees.

A blog post on GitHub states that the new version fixes various bugs and improves network performance in several ways. Dogecoin developers are now urging all users to implement this update and thus improve the performance of the entire network.

The update can be easily installed over the current 1.14 version without having to uninstall it. The update prepares the network for lower fees. This is the first step in the two-step upgrade required to reduce Dogecoin's fees.

Image: Fox Business

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