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Construction blockchain developed by BitRent

17 October 2017 21:00, UTC

BitRent, the company established by Dmitriy Starovoitov, previously seen participating in construction projects on the territory of the former USSR, plans to develop a promising technology with the use of distributed ledger and RFID chips.

According to the latest corporate press release, the RFID chips, placed on construction parts, will help to solve the “now where did I put those perforators” issue. Previously, we have seen many projects focused on shipping of different goods, but this one offers the tracking of displacement of tools and parts on site, which might greatly help if any new manager or brigadier joins the construction project – he will be aware about all the resources and their status.

Another good benefit from this technology that comes to mind is that now it’s much, much easier to prevent thefts on the workplace. Sometimes, workers leave their expensive instruments just to lie around or even deliberately steal them for re-selling. With RFIDs and blockchain combined, the manager will always know which tool and which cement bag has been given to whom, and swiftly find the one responsible for losses.

And not to mention the obvious supply chain upgrade, which has already been implemented in various tests. Here it’s better to repeat what was said in the report about Air France: with supply chain upgrades, it’s not very important which resource is being supplied, it’s supply stages tracking that makes it so attractive for companies and governments.

The company promises to fully launch this platform next year, in September 2018.