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Coinbase Crypto Exchange App Ranked # 1 On Apple App Store

12 May 2021 13:30, UTC
Anna Martynova

According to the Apple App Store rankings, Coinbase is currently the most popular App in the USA, ahead of TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and the Robinhood trading App. The Cash App, which allows users to send money and buy bitcoins, is ranked 12th. Binance and Trust Apps are ranked 16th and 17th, respectively.

The Coinbase App was named one of the 10 most popular free Apps in the Apple App Store last month. Since the company began trading its shares on the Nasdaq in April 2021, public attention has increased. This has likely led to an increase in the number of users on computers and mobile devices.

Coinbase's trading App was downloaded nearly 2 mln times in April, according to analyst website SensorTower.

Image: BitJournal