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Cardano Goguen Update Details Released

17 November 2020 15:00, UTC
Anna Martynova

According to Dimitris POULPOULOUS and Volodymyr HULCHENKO, the greatest progress in terms of work on the Cardano update has been achieved with the functionality of its own tokens. After successfully launching the Plutus Playground last month, the Goguen team has focused on developing the Plutus Foundation and updating the Playground for the past two weeks. The team is working on further UI changes, consolidating the changes made to the alpha release.

The team created a PoC for the Plutus Core section using the extensible interface file format. While the update is still under review by the Plutus team, it is expected to be approved in the coming days. GHC version 8.10 is now also integrated into haskell.nix, allowing developers to use it for Cardano nodes, Plutus, and etc.

Teams will spend the next weeks finishing the serialization details, writing additional conformance tests, properties, and system tests for token inline functions and token locking. The Cardano API changes should also be finalized and the integrated node should be ready around the same time. A restyling of the Plutus Playground and a modification of the Plutus chain index are also planned.

Image: Medium