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Blockchain proposed to use in Xiong, China

16 October 2017 21:00, UTC
Remember the Smart Cities concept dating back to 2000s? It got second life after the invention of blockchain – it appears that the digital distribution technology this innovation contains is perfect for advocates of digital city management. 

China is currently building vast new areas, or new town districts, and the government finances these upgrades. This is why Peng Yijie, an entrepreneur, has recently met with Chen Gang, the Secretary of Communist Party and Vice Governor of Hebei Province. During the talks, the entrepreneur presented a city plan with blockchain technologies included. While overall approving the plan, Chen Gang stated it can be even better. 

Xiong’s new area is in the personal interest of the current Chinese leader, who wants to reduce the load on the capital as well as to make this place a business hub that will demonstrate successfulness of Xi Jinping as a leader. No wonder why Chen Gang was so nitpicky, even though Peng Yijie comes from the company subsidiary to Alibaba corporation, one of the most rich and respected in China.