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Big Waves Client update released

14 December 2017 21:00, UTC

Recently, the client application for Waves, a blockchain platform created by a businessman from Russia in 2016, has been updated. This platform allows creating your own ICOs, or initial coin offerings. The main change aimed at improvement of the platform user experience is a new interface which the CEO of the company, Alexander Ivanov, called a good enhancement.

According to the information Bitnewstoday acquired, the development of this big update took 18 months. The time was spent on the improvement of the user navigation through the platform features. The company believes that it resulted in a good interface, both easy for new players and experts of cryptocurrency business. The homepage displays prices on popular assets, and handy menu buttons manage the user portfolio.

Waves has been cooperating with the Russian Party of Growth (or Partiya Rosta) at least since the beginning of this year. This political party and its leader, Boris Titov, business ombudsman, are strong supporters of the cryptocurrency legalization in Russia. However, it’s still for the ruling party to decide whether or not cryptocurrency is going to be legalized, as United Russia has the majority in the parliament.