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27 accounts and constitution scrap: EOS faces tough governance problems

27 June 2018 21:00, UTC

EOS leadership has made the community freeze 27 accounts without explaining the problem. The management even threatened those who were reluctant to do so, as witnessed by the screenshots posted online by cryptocurrency observers who usually don’t buy fakes:

Additionally, it has recently become apparent that the whole EOS ‘constitution’ - a set of basic rules of the community - could become scrapped just after two weeks the start of its independence from Ethereum. This has been noted by Jackson Palmer, creator of Dogecoin, a comic cryptocurrency.

Members of the wide crypto community have not characterized the news well, with some sarcastically noting about how EOS has really made a development breakthrough by doing both changes. According to experts familiar with the topic and corresponding details, the new constitution will make the digital currency less centralized, even though they point out that the current set of rules is, too, far from ideal. And, as if these two problems were not enough, there is a third one connected to EOS Store management.

This raises an issue of cryptocurrency governance and decentralization once again, as such voluntaristic actions will absolutely not be tolerated in the world of classic finance. Note that some of the screenshots mentioned above may turn out to be fake, which is a primary reason Bitnewstoday did not immediately report on the topic.

Image: 10times.com