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Interpol Is Looking For Ways To Combat Violations On The Metaverse

source-logo  cryptonews.net 06 February 2023 14:20, UTC
Anna Martynova

Secretary General of the International Criminal Police Organization, Interpol, Jurgen STOCK believes that the organization should be prepared to respond to crimes occurring in the digital world. Now the department is preparing to work on the metaverse platforms, which are already being used by some groups to commit crimes.

Among the crimes that occur in the metaverse are verbal harassment, assault, the use of ransomware, money counterfeiting, money laundering and financial fraud.

One of the biggest problems that the organization is facing right now is determining whether an action constitutes a crime or not on the metaverse, according to Dr. Madan Oberoi, Interpol’s executive director of technology and innovation. However, it is clear that in order to control the metaverse, Interpol must be present on the platforms of the metaverse and have the appropriate specialists.

Image: Forbes